Page 17 - Compendium
P. 17

The national Euroguidance centre in     Selection Committee thus gave
             the Republic of Serbia organized the    an international dimension to the

             national guidance awards for the best   selection process.
             practices in this fi eld for the second
             time. This initiative was introduced in   As in the previous year, the quality of
             2016 and it is based on the model of    practice was evaluated by using the
             national awards organized by other      following criteria:
             Euroguidance centres during the last       How much has the practice
             decade.                                   contributed to the development
                                                       of the career management skills of
             The purpose of the National Career        users?
             Guidance Awards is the promotion        •   In which way are the results
             of organization and individuals           achieved relevant for needs of

             who had developed services, tools         their target group? Have the
             and methods for career guidance.          needs of the target group been
             Organizations    and    practitioners     assessed and how?
             from all relevant sectors (education,      What mechanisms are introduced
             youth work, employment services,          for ensuring the quality of the
             etc.) were invited to submit their        practice?
             practices for the competition. A total     Is there potential for replication of
             of 20 applications were received          this practice by other stakeholders
             from individuals and diff erent           or in other sectors?
             organizations, such as elementary
             schools, high schools, non-profi t and   The committee decided to present
             private organizations.                  three awards, four acknowledgments
                                                     as well as to publicly commend
             The Selection Committee consisted       three practices for their contribution

             of the representatives of the           to the improvement of quality of
             Ministry of Education, Science          guidance in particular fi elds. In total,
             and Technological  Development,         ten applications were recognized as
             Ministry of Youth and Sport, Institute   examples of good practices in career
             for Education Development, NGO          guidance.
             Belgrade Open School, as well as
             the Euroguidance centres from
             Republic of Serbia and Croatia.
             Participation of the representative
             of the Euroguidance Croatia in the

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