Page 13 - Compendium
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APERIO – Společnost pro zdravé rodičovství, z. s.
New chances for parents
‘New chances for parents’ is a medium-term programme to support social
inclusion and career development of parents and carers who fi nd themselves
in diffi cult situations (single parents, parents of 3+ children, foster parents,
etc.). It is a comprehensive, holistic programme that includes both group and
individual activities, on-site and online, education and counselling, mentoring
and coaching. Participants have the opportunity to attend (on-site) an 80-
hour long educational course which also includes extensive study materials.
Optionally, they can also take advantage of an online course (200 lessons in
4 modules), counselling and coaching as needed. The programme has been
developed based on the APERIO’s experience and on the experience from
More information (in English):
IQ Roma servis, z. s.
Gendalos educational programme
The Gendalos (‘mirror’ in the Romani language) educational programme
responds to the low level of education among the Roma community in the
Czech Republic, especially in the South Moravian Region, where the proportion
of the Roma who have completed post-primary education is estimated at
30%. Through activities focusing on individual and group work with primary
and secondary school students, their parents, teachers, educators and other
school employees, the programme strives to improve chances of young Roma
to successfully complete the secondary education cycle and guide them
along their future educational and career path. The pillars of the activities
are individual support (including tutoring) and tailor-made motivational
activities, as well as raising pupils’ awareness in the area of educational and
career choices through career guidance and peer learning.
More information (in English):