Page 29 - Compendium
P. 29
Award for developing and continuously improving career guidance
services for adults:
Offi ce of Labour, Social Aff airs and Family Banská Štiavnica
Employees of the local PES offi ce in Banská Štiavnica drew up a research
report ‘Bilan de compétences’ in the practice of public employment services
which analyzed career guidance provision in the employment services
and introduced ‘bilan de compétences’ (skills assessment) as an innovative
educational and counselling method into the professional career guidance
services of PES in Slovak Republic. In addition, the report contains results of
the survey carried out among participants (job seekers) on the impact and
overall satisfaction with the programme.
‘Bilan de compétences’ is one of the most useful and eff ective methods in
developing career management skills of job seekers, thereby increasing
their employability. It helps job seekers to become aware of their skills and
competencies, set career goals, prepare individual action plans, and eventually
fi nd an employment. Research report contains case studies of the clients that
went through the project and had their skills assessed, and it could, therefore,
serve other professional counsellors as a layout for introduction and better
application of the bilan de compétences into their practice. On individual case
analysis all the potential benefi ts and caveats of implementing the bilan de
compétences can be identifi ed.
The research report is made available to all career guidance practitioners
within the PES in Slovak Republic. It serves as a study material for counsellors
who work under the bilan de compétences project and employ the method
in their practice. As the application of the method grows in the practice of
professional guidance units of the PES offi ces, it also leads to a development
of the method in the Slovak context and improves image and credibility of the
PES offi ces in the eyes of job seekers.