Page 5 - Compendium
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Dear readers,
The compendium that you are about to read is the result of the common
eff ort of Euroguidance centres from the Czech Republic, Republic of Serbia
and Slovak Republic, as well as of all career guidance providers awarded in
2017’s edition of National Career Guidance Awards in these countries.
National Career Guidance Awards originated as a platform for collecting good
guidance practices and providing public appreciation to individuals and
organisations that are constantly working towards a quality improvement and
better accessibility of career guidance services. In addition, National Career
Guidance Awards present opportunity for career guidance practitioners to
present themselves to a wider guidance community and gain partners and
inspiration for their future projects and activities.
Since 2009, when it was fi rst held in Slovak Republic and Czech Republic,
National Career Guidance Award has as a concept grown in popularity not
only among guidance practitioners, but also within the Euroguidance network
with other centres joining in the initiative. Hence, new horizons for networking
and exchange of ideas across diff erent European countries have been opened.
National Career Guidance Awards are important also from the Euroguidance
centres’ perspective as they boost their credibility and recognition as relevant
actors in the lifelong guidance community in their respective countries.
Publishing joint compendium is another way of supporting and bringing
innovative approaches, well-crafted and transferable practices and tools in
career guidance to the attention of the European guidance community. In this
year’s compendium, you will fi nd 10 awarded contributions from the Award
held in Czech Republic, 3 awarded contributions and 4 acknowledgements
from Republic of Serbia, and 6 awarded entries from Slovak Republic. Awarded
services and activities cover diff erent target groups and sectors of career
guidance and counselling.