Page 29 - Educational-Iceland
P. 29
Helga Tryggvadóttir et. al: Áætlun um náms- og starfsráðgjöf í grunnskóla með áherslu
á náms- og starfsfræðslu (Plan on educational and vocational counselling in compulsory
schools with an emphasis on tuition about education and jobs). University of Iceland, 2015.
Hvítbók um umbætur í menntun (White Paper on Improvements in Education): http://www.
If you are interested in knowing more about guidance and
counselling in Iceland, please do not hesitate to send an
email to Dóra Stefánsdóttir, the Euroguidance coordinator
([email protected]).
10. Annex: Detailed working guidelines
for Icelandic educational and vocational
As agreed in the annual meeting of Icelandic Educational and Vocational Guidance
Association, April 4th 2003:
Counselling during studies and at work:
l advise on working methods:
• guidance and education on career and time-planning;
• guidance and education on study techniques (e.g. study methods, reading methods
and exam preparation);
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