Page 30 - Educational-Iceland
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• guidance and education on lifestyles and habits which can lead to increased                        education and preparation of students for larger common presentations of
              concentration, stamina and increased emotional balance;                                            the study system;
          l personal counselling and support                                                                   • creating and gathering data and information and maintaining databanks on education
            • counselling and support because of temporary difficulties and/or setbacks;                         and employment;
           • counselling and support because of private problems;                                              • dissemination and guidance on how to use information from databanks;
           • guidance and counselling on stress and anxiety;
           • reference to specialists in specific matters;                                                   development projects;
           • group counselling/courses which support individuals in their studies and/or job search          l writing reports;
             (e.g. making of CVs, job applications, study methods, exam anxiety);                            l registration of interviews and subjects;
         l counselling, monitoring of students’ interests and giving information on specific rights;         l processing numerical information on interviews and subjects;
           • support to individuals with special needs in co-operation with other relevant agents;           l evaluation and planning;
           • evaluation and analysis on resources available to people with special needs;                      • maintenance of knowledge of the field;
           • co-operation with authorities, specialists and service providers concerned with people              • development of new methods;
             with special needs;                                                                                 • re-training, continuous education and training;
                                                                                                                 • co-operation with other counsellors and interest groups;
         guidance on the choices of studies and jobs;                                                            • guidance/self-examination:
         l evaluation of interests                                                                           l research and surveys;
           • evaluation and analysis of each person’s interests, done either through interviews                • evaluation of working methods;
             or with the use of measuring tools and investigations;                                            • surveys and follow-up of projects and subjects;
         l evaluation and analysis on study and employment abilities:                                          • surveys on the conditions and attitudes of clients;
           • evaluation of the strengths and weaknesses of each person in relation to studies and            l education and dissemination of knowledge. Counsellors shall be given the
             employment. Is mostly carried out through interviews with clients;                                necessary scope to tend to:
         l dissemination of information on the possibilities and supply of studies and jobs;                   • lectures;
           • providing information and counselling on studies, courses, vocational training and                • writing articles;
             employment choices;                                                                               • press interviews;
           • employment education: overseeing how employment education is carried out in co-                   • meetings;
             operation with teachers, employment education staff and labour market representatives;            • committee work;
           • introduction to studies: organisation of how the school presents its studies and the              • developing educational material in their field;
                                                                                                               • seminars.

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