Page 11 - Euroguidance-Networks-Highlights-2017
P. 11

The autumn meeting in Tallinn, Estonia formed a  working together across the member countries.
 part of an entire European Guidance Week, which  The related  potential and challenges were ad-  1.2  Euroguidance
 served to draw attention to different aspects of  dressed and debated from several perspectives.
 guidance. There, the main themes were a follow-  Colleagues also received hands-on training in
 up on the Estonian EU Presidency conference on  publishing and editing material on the new
 Lifelong Guidance Policy and Practice and the  Euroguidance website and there was a session   working groups
 preparation for the next 3-year operational period  on peer learning where colleagues shared good
 (2018-2020). This more long-term perspective  practices from their countries.
 calls for novel methods and innovative ways of

                 There have been for many years four thematic  and promotional activities, international mobility
                 working groups that work on topics and issues  and staff development. In the following sections
                 that are of relevance and strategic importance to  below  there are  short  summaries  of  the  main
                 the whole Euroguidance network. These groups  outcomes of these working groups in 2017.
                 deal with strategy and quality, communications

                 1.2.1  Strategy and quality working group

                 The main function of the Strategy  and quality  Competences Framework. At the network plena-
                 working  group  (SQWG)  is  to  follow  up  and  in-  ry meeting in Malta in May, the SQWG organised
                 fluence EU-level developments that (may) have  a discussion on the paper before submitting it to
                 an impact on the Euroguidance network and its  the Commission.
                 role in the context of lifelong learning, sustainable   An  impact  assessment  within  the  Euroguidance
                 employment, guidance for career and learning   network was another important subject for the
                 paths, and international mobility. Therefore, one   SQWG during 2017. The SQWG prepared a frame-
                 of the main tasks of the SQWG in 2017 was to   work for such an assessment for the network and
                 ensure well-functioning  relationships with rele-   pointed out possible steps forward. A workshop
                 vant stakeholders across Europe. The working   on this theme was organised at the Euroguidance
 Members of several European Networks and projects   group made efforts to promote the Euroguidance   meeting in Tallinn in September. In addition, input
 (Euroguidance, CareersNet, EmployID) gather for the   Network in strategically targeted ways towards   from network members was collected, concerning
 family picture of the European Lifelong Guidance   the European Commission, the European Parlia-  a possible joint Euroguidance stakeholder survey
 Week. © Foundation Innove, Euroguidance Estonia  ment, European agencies (specifically Cedefop   across the member countries of the network.
                 and European Training Foundation), international
                 associations  (e.g.  the  IAEVG  and  the  EAIE)  and   Furthermore, the issue of the internal Eurogui-
                 European networks (such as Europass, Eurodesk,   dance Handbook was taken forward and it was
                 EQF and Eures).                          decided that a joint archive for Euroguidance
                                                          files and decisions should be established in the
                 The SQWG actively disseminated the  European   members’ area of the network’s website. The aim
                 Parliament briefing note, which discussed the  is to be able to build on previous work as well
                 possible implications of the New Skills Agenda for  as to support newcomers in the network and
                 future European cooperation in lifelong guidance  contribute to the network identity. An additional
                 policies and how this influences the Euroguidance  task for the SQWG in 2017 was to offer support
                 network. The SQWG was also active in relation  to the Euroguidance Centres that have been or-
                 to the Commission’s informal discussion forum on  ganising network meetings, by contributing to the
                 the future of Europass and in relation to the es-  preparation of the meeting agendas. The group
                 tablishment of Cedefop’s CareersNet. The group  has also represented the network through pre-
                 drafted a joint network position paper concerning  sentations at joint network meetings in Brussels,
                 the Commission’s review of the European Key  arranged by the European Commission.

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