Page 12 - Euroguidance-Networks-Highlights-2017
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1.2.2 Communications and 1.2.3 Mobility working group
promotion working group The Euroguidance working group on mobility cooperation with the Staff development working
(MOWG) aims to equip guidance professionals group, the group facilitated a Be mobile workshop
The Communications and promotion working management system allows each Euroguidance with various tools for learning mobility in their to get an initial list of such needs. Distant and
group (CPWG) coordinates the network-level ac- Centre to edit and modify country-specific sec- lifelong guidance practice. Its two main tasks are face-to-face training courses on mobility for na-
tions to increase the visibility of the Euroguidance tions on the website. This facilitates the mainte- to disseminate tools on mobility and to provide tional guidance counsellors were held throughout
the year. A presentation on the use of webinars in
Network, its products and services towards its nance of the site and information can be better training on mobility to guidance professionals. offering online training sessions was given to the
primary target group (the European community kept up-to-date as centralized maintenance is The main output of the MOWG’s work in 2017 was Euroguidance colleagues at the network meeting
of guidance practice, research and policy) and less required. the publication of the brochure on the mobility held in Tallinn. The promotional leaflet with in-
beyond. This is done by applying a communi- advice interview which has been translated into formation about mobility tools was disseminated
cation mix and a multi-channelling approach to The CPWG also edited and published an issue of several languages. The MOWG also discussed the on different occasions, e.g. at the conference
support the optimal online and real-life presence the Euroguidance Network’s Insight Newsletter needs of guidance professionals when providing of the International Association Educational and
of the network. with contributions from across Europe and the guidance for mobility and how the carrying out of Vocational Guidance (IAEVG) in Mexico City in
In 2017, the CPWG’s main task was to design, 2016 edition of Highlights publication. The above a survey can be helpful with identifying them. In December.
conceptualise and create a new website for the mentioned Facebook page of the Euroguidance
Euroguidance Network. The Lithuanian Eurogui- network, operated by the Czech Republic Eurogui- 1.2.4 Staff development working group
dance Centre was in charge of coordinating the dance Centre as a member of the CPWG working
website development supported by the Finnish group, is an important element in the network’s
Euroguidance team. The user-friendly content communication strategy. The Staff development working group (SDWG) The SDWG organised four online webinars for the
supports knowledge sharing, peer learning and Euroguidance network. These were designed to
skills development within the Euroguidance net- be interactive, with a 30-45-minute long presen-
work. In 2017, the SDWG facilitated the exchange tation followed by a Q&A session and discussion.
of information within the network on various Euroguidance Serbia provided a webinar platform,
topics: past and upcoming events, seminars, con- shared their knowhow on webinar preparation
ferences, information on national guidance sys- and facilitated the sessions. The first webinar was
tems and policy developments, good guidance a pilot for the members of SDWG with the aim
practices, the National Career Guidance Awards in to plan using webinars and to better understand
the Czech and Slovak Republics and the Republic the tool for further webinars. This was followed
of Serbia. with one on the concept of National Career Gui-
As a part of the Euroguidance network meeting dance Awards which presented the experiences
in Tallinn, members of the SDWG in cooperation in the Czech and Slovak Republics. The second
with the Mobility Working Group animated a peer introduced the Romanian experiences in intro-
learning session for Euroguidance staff members ducing career guidance and career education into
on network’s developments in different areas: Be secondary school curricula. Finally, Euroguidance
strategic – long-term strategy for Euroguidance; Malta hosted a webinar on Personal, Social and
Be accountable - impact assessment; Be digital – Career Development and on the Provision of
video and webinars; Be inspirational – collecting Career Guidance for Students, and shared their
good guidance practices; and Be mobile (in coo- insights on the national career education and
peration with the MOWG) – supporting European career guidance policy framework and the rela-
mobility. The sessions were led by experienced ted developments. The concept of webinars has
members of the SDWG in the specific areas of the proven successful as the number of participants
network’s functioning. was steadily growing.
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Photo taken at the European conference on
Lifelong Guidance Policy and Practice.
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