Page 23 - Euroguidance-Networks-Highlights-2017
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The Norwegian Euroguidance Centre co-orga- limited in resources and they need educating in
nized a national conference on internationaliza- how to carry out high-quality mobility guidance. 2.2 Developing new
tion in compulsory education in November 2017, The distance course is a flexible six-week course
where a popular Swedish online distance course for practitioners wanting to learn more about
in mobility guidance was presented by Nina international mobility and possibilities and the
Ahlroos, Euroguidance Sweden. One of the si- different stages of a period abroad. Participants ICT tools and resources
multaneous seminars was dedicated to the needs take the course in their free time and are encou-
of guidance counsellors in primary education; raged to integrate their own working experience
what counsellors need to do to improve mobili- in the study. The Norwegian stakeholders will
ty guidance. The course is in response to two cooperate to create a nationally adjusted version
main challenges: counsellors at schools are very of the course in Norway by the end of 2018.
The development of the International ePathfin- schools. This will be an optional programme taken
der – the first e-learning platform for guidance by students in the middle, or ‘transition’ year -
counsellors in Estonia, was an important mile- two years before they leave school. The ‘Euro-
stone for Euroguidance Estonia in 2017. The aim Quest’ resource contains ICT classroom-based
of the platform is to inspire professionals to use materials and self-directed research assignments
international opportunities for their own and their which encourage them to explore the possibility
client’s professional development, and to learn of studying/training in another European country
professional terminology in English. The platform either for the entire duration of their undergra-
is built on five modules, which include theory and duate degree/training or as part of an Erasmus+
interactive exercises. exchange. The resource encourages students
In 2017, the National Centre for Guidance in Edu- to consider their own readiness for a period of
cation as Euroguidance Ireland began to develop learning mobility and challenges initial precon-
a new classroom resource for Irish post primary ceptions and expectations.
Panel discussion at the Norwegian national conference on internationalization in compulsory edu-
cation; from left to right: Mona Mathiesen, Nina Ahlroos, Anna Hellesnes; Sturla Johansen, Hilde M.
Hustad © Euroguidance Norway
In the United Kingdom the Euroguidance Centre fore has a strong role in the distribution and
completed its two-year project for Cedefop on ICT accessibility of such information. The project
and Labour Market Information (LMI) in Lifelong studied 25 best practices in the use of ICT and
Guidance. Effective use of LMI can help labour LMI in guidance from across Europe, developing
markets to respond better to changing needs, a range of targeted resources to improve the
by informing individuals about opportunities that quality of career guidance and support digital
fit their interests, skills and abilities. Since LMI is guidance services. The results were presented
usually extracted from online sources (statistics, to a European audience at the Lifelong Guidance
occupational information, vacancies), ICT there- Week in Tallinn.