Page 28 - Euroguidance-Networks-Highlights-2017
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Euroguidance Croatia organised a seminar for Czech Euroguidance Centre. In addition to the
guidance counsellors at higher education institu- Czech participants there were guidance practi- 3.3 Linking the
tions to promote cooperation between the aca- tioners from Slovakia, with lecturers from Aus-
demic and business sectors. The event was or- tria, Norway and Sweden. The 4-weekend course
ganised as a networking opportunity for career was a continued learning and networking process
centres, the business sector and policy-makers, among career counsellors. The big finale was a world by means
who also participated in the seminar as invitees. conference with 50 external career counsellors
The seminar connected guidance counsellors and who attended four different workshops devel-
representatives of HR departments from suc- oped by participants of the module and was
cessful Croatian and international companies to based on the skills they learned throughout the of online delivery
debate topics of common interest. The specific whole cycle of the course.
focus of the seminar was the Millennials’ Gene- All the activities undertaken by Euroguidance
ration. In a panel discussion, participants from both Spain seek to further the professional develop-
sectors were invited to share important insights. ment of guidance professionals. Equally important
There the academic sector discussed the mil- is the development of tools and instruments for
lennials’ socio-economic and psychological cha- those individuals who, either directly or indirectly,
racteristics, shared moral values and their work are involved in educational, vocational and pro-
attitudes, while the business sector shared their fessional guidance activities, together with the
own expectations of the young employees, cur- continuous integration of the European model of
rent trends in employment and good practice co-existence and the EU aims in terms of edu- Supporting internationalisation and the use of In 2017, Euroguidance Germany was involved in
examples of cooperation between businesses cation, transition to employment and mobility. In technology in lifelong guidance has been on the testing the technical feasibility of online lectures
and education institutions. 2017, the team contributed to providing training agenda of many Euroguidance Centres. For on studying, working and living abroad in the vo-
to guidance practitioners on numerous themes, example, Euroguidance Estonia provided unique cational information centre (BIZ) of the Frankfurt
A training module on the European dimension in always including the European dimension in training sessions for guidance professionals by Employment Agency. The test run was positive
guidance and counselling was organized by the lifelong guidance and learning mobility. using e-learning and webinar online solutions. and new insights were gained. In particular, the
Additionally, the Estonian and Latvian Eurogui- presentation of the speaker, the screen view and
dance Centres cooperated with Canada to run a the simultaneous use of the chat facility contri-
joint webinar on guidance to learn from practices bute to more attention in the audience. As a re-
across the ocean. In this webinar Dr Norman sult, the participating colleagues expressed their
Amundson, Canada, highlighted some key con- desire to offer these lectures to their customer
cepts and practices from his latest anniversary groups as early as possible and corresponding lec-
edition of Active Engagement. With respect to tures are already planned for 2018. Overall, the in-
career practice, Dr Amundson delved deeper into terest in such online-events is great. Six employ-
some interventions that were being validated ment agencies have already registered to hold
through various research projects. The webinar lectures on studying, working and living abroad.
was translated into Estonian and Latvian, to over- Potential target groups are school classes, grad-
come the language barrier and in this way help uates and jobseekers interested in going abroad;
guidance professionals with less advanced Eng- the offer includes both short presentations and
lish skills to participate in this professionally en- comprehensive presentations of a maximum of
riching webinar. two hours.
© Hana Chalušová Participants, BIZ Frankfurt (Photo: Employment Agency Frankfurt)