Page 31 - Euroguidance-Networks-Highlights-2017
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In  2017,  Euroguidance  Ireland  enrolled  60  addi-  training. This gives the students an opportunity to   internship turned out to be beneficial both for the  and better equipped for international guidance
 tional participants to its online Mobility Guidance  try out their skills in guidance conversation me-   student and the Euroguidance Centre.  and mobility.
 Counselling Module. It aims to provide guidance  thods and do some job shadowing with a gui-   In order to enhance the knowledge and skills of  Many counsellors at the 150 employment agen-
 counsellors with the skills they need to support  dance professional. In 2017, Euroguidance Sweden   guidance practitioners and enable them to better  cies in  Germany feel uncertain about whether
 students in their quest to study, work or volun-  started  offering  internships  for  these  students.   facilitate mobility and support positive learning  or how they can or should point out possibilities
 teer abroad.  The module explores the process  For five weeks, a career guidance student did her   outcomes, the  Danish Euroguidance  Centre  has  abroad to their clients. There, the Euroguidance
 of  mobility  (incl. preparation, induction  and  practical training at the Swedish Euroguidance   given lectures on the international dimension in  counsellors from the International and Specialised
 re-integration) and contains resources that will  Centre. The student commenced her internship by   guidance. The lectures are part of the curriculum  Services (ZAV) of the Federal Employment Agen-
 assist  the guidance  counsellor in  empowering  learning about international mobility and the re-  of the Danish Career Guidance Programme (the  cy offered their help to them and their clients with
 students to make informed choices about lear-  lated guidance provision. After this she organised   diploma programme DUEK, 60 ECTS). The lectures  comprehensive advice on studying, working and
 ning mobility. The process is based on a model   group information and guidance sessions about   are offered to the five university colleges respon-  living abroad. Several workshops on international
 designed by Dr Søren Kristensen, a Danish expert   studying abroad for pupils and students at several
 in youth mobility. The module was developed in   upper  secondary  schools  and  folk  high  schools,   sible for the diploma programme in educational  mobility were held nationwide for guidance coun-
                 and vocational guidance and are realised  upon  sellors and advisors in the vocational information
 Ireland with the support of Euroguidance Sweden.   supervised by Euroguidance Sweden. In order
 It includes information on the practical, linguistic,   to have this practical training period accepted, a   request from the university colleges. The lectures  centres. The workshops focused on the following
                 focus on the numerous possibilities within the  topics: presenting the Euroguidance network
 cultural and mental preparation students should   teacher from Stockholm University visited the Eu-
 undertake prior to going abroad. It addresses the   roguidance Centre and made an evaluation. The   Erasmus+ programme, both for mobility and for  and Europass; informing about opportunities and
                 transnational cooperation within partnerships  requirements for internships and studying abroad
 issue of contracts between hosting and sending   internship was well received and approved as part
 institutions, support for students while abroad   of the Career Guidance Programme. According   projects. They describe the EU policy develop-  as  well  as  about  Europe-wide  trends  in  career
                 ments within the area of guidance, the services  guidance; explaining the scope of service and the
 and underscores the importance of re-integration   to the evaluation, it provided an insight into and
 for students on their return home. The module is   created  interest for  the  international  dimension   of the Euroguidance network and the other Euro-  customer guidance system; and showcasing gui-
                 pean mobility networks. The lectures also allow  dance tools and how to get in contact with the Eu-
 divided into four parts (each taking approximately   in guidance for the career guidance student. At
 45 minutes to complete). The module has been   the same time, the internship generated quality   the students to exchange experiences. Through  roguidance counsellors. The workshops have been
                 these lectures, the international dimension of gui-  rated very positively by the participants thanks
 formerly recognised by the Irish Institute of Gui-   assured information  material  developed  from  a
 dance Counsellors.  guidance perspective and tested in real-life situ-   dance becomes part of the national career gui-  to the content that is based on practical exam-
                 dance education. These practices lead to   future  ples and gives enough time for discussion and
 The Swedish  3-year Bachelor  of  Education in  ations  that  Euroguidance  Sweden  can  continue   Danish guidance counsellors being well informed  exchange of experience among the participants.
 Career  Guidance includes  periods  of  practical  offering to guidance professionals. All in all, the

 On Germany-Tour: Claudia Silvestroni and Klaus Münstermann (Euroguidance-Counsellor, ZAV, left and
 right), Ilse-Lore Schneider (Euroguidance-Coordinator, in the middle) © ZAV

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