Page 35 - Euroguidance-Networks-Highlights-2017
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In December, Euroguidance Turkey organized an The Euroguidance network was represented by
International Employment and Career Congress the Finnish and Irish Euroguidance Centres at
entitled Transition from Education to Working the bi-annual global symposium hosted by the
Life; Strengthening Education-Employment Re- International Centre for Career Development and
lation in Ankara. The Minister of Labour and So- Public Policy ICCDPP. The event held in Seoul,
cial Security gave the opening speech. This two- South Korea, in June welcomed participants from
day event aimed at sharing the current scientific over 20 countries across the globe, and several 5
works in the field of employment and career international organisations attended the event
guidance, addressing the permanent employ- to discuss changes in the labour market, the
ment approaches and promoting the innovative importance of career planning, guidance practices
approaches both in career pathways and in com- and the training of guidance professionals, as well
bating unemployment. Policy makers and prac- as the comprehensive development of guidance
titioners became acquainted with national and services in the fields of education and employ-
international best practices in the fields of careers ment. The national delegations attending the
development, employment and the development ICCDPP symposium were tasked with drawing up
of social dialogue. Panel presentations were held a country action plan, to prioritise the measures Study visits
by academics, managers, experts and employees considered necessary to develop career guidance
experienced in fields such as women’s and young and related services on national level during
people’s employment, policies for the employ- 2017–2019. The joint communiqué approved by
ment of disabled people, industry and private all the participating countries can be found at the
employment bureaus. At the congress, 35 presen- ICCDPP symposium website. and practice
tations were given and 21 posters were displayed.
They had been accepted by the Congress Science
Committee consisting of 53 academicians with
expertise in the topics of the event.
Those guidance counsellors and experts, who participate in international study
visits, gain insights into a specific guidance-related theme or phenomenon in
other European countries. Such study visits are a good way to learn from the
experience of one’s peers and counterparts across Europe, to develop and enrich
ideas, gather inspiration and share expertise (e.g. practices, methods and tools),
for example on how to develop guidance services for selected target audiences.
In addition to study visits, there are other ways of working across borders to
promote good guidance practices, such as the National Career Guidance Awards.
In the following some selected examples of study visits and other activities with
high relevance in the national context carried out by the Euroguidance Centres in
Finnish participants at the ICCDPP symposium. From the left, Dr Jaana 2017 are presented.
Kettunen, Dr Raimo Vuorinen, Mrs Teija Felt, Mr Ari-Pekka Leminen
and Mr Mika Launikari. Photo by KRIVET