Page 39 - Euroguidance-Networks-Highlights-2017
P. 39

6.1  Creating    dance professionals can more easily make efforts   is for the 7th grade in elementary school, and
                 to improve the quality of career education and
                                                          includes developing, among other things, skills in
                 guidance for young people in school. There is also
                                                          lifelong learning, positive attitudes towards vo-
                                                          cational  education,  and  awareness  of  individual
                 a firm belief that the needs and interests of the
 guidance curricula    target audience can be better satisfied  thanks   strengths and weaknesses. This approach follows
                                                          the German idea of  Wollen – Können – Dürfen,
                 to  the  increased  coordination  and  cooperation
                                                          which translates as “to want to,” “to be able to,”
                 between the career education and guidance in-
                                                          and “to be allowed to”. The aim is to raise the bar
                 stitutions. Finally, the framework contributes to
 and frameworks   the professionalization of career guidance prac-  of knowledge in topics dealing with self-aware-
                                                          ness, the education and labour markets, and
                 titioners and ensures better coordination and
                                                          career planning. The counselling curriculum is
                 alignment between education and the labour
                                                          expected to concentrate on a variety of methods
                                                          and techniques such as debates, artistic projects,
                 In Poland, the year 2017 was a year of changes.   problem-solving, case studies, discussions, ques-
                 The national  education system went through a   tionnaires, metaphoric storytelling, brainstorming,
                 series of reforms to better meet the demands of   and personal branding. The second curriculum,
                 the modern labour market. This included the es-  developed for vocational schools, is based on the
                 tablishment of a system of vocational guidance. It   same ideas as the first, but with topics at a higher
                 makes career guidance mandatory at every edu-  educational level and specifically customized to
 As part of their national and European Union remit,  Together with the Maison de l’orientation Eurogui-   cational level, beginning as early as pre-school.   the individual’s vocational aspirations. Access to
 the National Centre for Guidance in Education/Eu-  dance Luxembourg contributed to the elaboration   This reform directly affects vocational guidance   resources and publications on these topic areas
 roguidance Ireland focused on the development  of a reference framework for educational and vo-  counsellors and psychologists. Therefore, Eurogui-   will help counsellors and specialists, especially
 of resources and supports for guidance provision  cational guidance. This framework was presented   dance Poland has prepared two drafts of career   those, who are undertaking vocational guidance
 in post-primary schools. The Centre launched the  during the meeting of the French-speaking Eu-  counselling  curricula  to  address  the  learning   in their schools for the very first time. Materials
 Whole School Guidance Framework in September  roguidance Centres in Brussels in November. It sets   needs of these professionals. The first curriculum   can be downloaded here.
 which provides a framework for the planning and  the minimum standards to be respected by secon-
 delivery of guidance in schools. The framework is  dary schools during the implementation of their
 accessible here.  educational and vocational career counselling. It
 is also used to structure, guide and evaluate all
 the actions and interventions taken in the coun-  Bringing guidance
 selling process, including the activities organized   6.2
 within  the  framework  of  lifelong  guidance  and
 the promotion of transnational qualification and
 mobility. Moreover, a comparative study of the
 primary and secondary education systems in   stakeholders together
 Luxembourg, Belgium, France and Germany, per-
 mitting the identification of students’ learning
 progress in situations of mobility, was presented
 on this occasion.
 Euroguidance  Netherlands designed a  Frame-
 work for career guidance for young people to
 support and coordinate career education and
 guidance. It has four focus areas: Vision & policy
 advice, Education & guidance, Organization, and   In 2017, the Latvian Euroguidance Centre chose  the Erasmus+ National Agencies, the European
 Cooperation. The framework has been developed   to take a new, more research-based approach to  Latvian  Association  and  the  Latvian  National
 for secondary schools and upper secondary vo-  planning and implementing activities to support  Database on Learning Opportunities led to the
 cational education, but can also be used in higher   sustainability and increase impact. This was ini-  development of two infographics and two case
 education. The framework is addressed to super-  tiated through in-depth consultations with sta-  studies on repatriation or re-migration to Latvia
 visors of young people during the primary edu-  keholder organisations and several Ministry de-  for learning purposes and on Erasmus+ oppor-
 cation process (tutors); specialist guidance coun-   partments. These consultations helped identify  tunities for experiencing the learning culture in
 sellors (career teachers); career education and   a new end-user group for information on mobi-  Latvia. These materials were presented at the
 guidance coordinators and policymakers (career   lity and education in Europe – people of Latvian  European Latvian Congress, and are available on
 education and guidance coordinators/team lea-   descent living  outside  the  country.  Cooperation  the National Database on Learning Opportunities
 ders). By means of the framework, careers gui-   with the World Federation of Free Latvians,  portal. A link to the resources has been placed

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