Page 40 - Euroguidance-Networks-Highlights-2017
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on the Ministry of Education and Science website  Euroguidance Cyprus with the National Forum of
                         section for parents. Activities  have led to new  Lifelong Guidance organized the 4th European                    6.3         National-level
                         networking opportunities and work will continue  Counselling and Vocational Training Conference in
                         in 2018-2020 on promoting education and labour  November. The topic of the conference was How
                         mobility of Latvians living abroad.      guidance can help the harmonization and iden-
                                                                  tification of new skills and competences needed                       lifelong guidance
                         Based on an input from the 2016 IAEVG conferen-   in the ever-changing labour market. Euroguidan-
                         ce in Madrid, Euroguidance Latvia carried out two   ce  Cyprus  invited  experts  from  Greece and  the
                         studies in 2017: one on the availability of career   European Commission, especially from DG Em-
                         support in Latvian universities, and the other on   ployment. Importance was given to the new ESCO
                         the research topics of master’s degree studies   classifications and the New Skills Agenda of the              weeks
                         in career counselling which were established in   EU. More than 100 experts attended the confer-
                         Latvia ten years ago within the framework of an   ence and the event supported the cross-sectoral
                         ESF project. The findings of the research were   stakeholder dialogue in Cyprus and further afield.
                         presented at two national conferences where the
                         discussion of further development in these areas   Further integrating the international dimension
                         took place. These activities have established ba-   in the services provided by the national public
                         seline information for developing strategic inter-  employment agencies in Finland was addressed
                         ventions in 2018-2020.                   in 2017. The starting point for this was that the
                                                                  national economy of Finland is largely dependent
                         The  Maltese Euroguidance Centre organized its   on trade with other countries. Also labour force              After the European Guidance Week in Tallinn,  Development, marked a milestone in the history
                         first stakeholders’ forum in October which brought   mobility to and from Finland is increasing, which         Euroguidance Serbia organized a nationwide Gui-  of the week in Slovakia, and turned out to be a
                         together key stakeholders in the field of lifelong  makes Finnish society more international. It is vital      dance Week in the Republic of Serbia in October.  vital part for this year’s success. The Minister of
                         guidance to discuss issues and concerns relating  that the guidance service provision reflects this            This initiative gathered all relevant stakeholders  Education, Science, Research and Sport and the
                         to education and employment and to enhance  development. Therefore, a small working group                      in the field of guidance around several events.  General Director of the Central Office of Labour,
                         networking and facilitate cooperation among the  of guidance experts  from the national,  regional             The  aim  was  to  inform  guidance  practitioners  Social Affairs and Family took responsibility for
                         different entities. The main theme discussed was  and local labour authorities and career services of          about the latest developments in the field of li-  the Lifelong Guidance week which means that
                         The Link between Education and Industry divided  universities was set up by Euroguidance Finland               felong guidance on both national and European  the week was formally endorsed by the state au-
                         into several sub-themes, including cooperation  for February-May. The aim of this group was to                 level, engage them in sharing experiences and  thorities for the first time. Altogether more than
                         across the field, related benefits and challenges  prepare a recommendation for better integrating             examples of good practice and foster further  45 lifelong guidance providers were officially in-
                         and how the education-business partnership can  the international dimension in the guidance ser-               cooperation and joint activities. The Serbian Gui-   volved in the initiative. Their activities covered
                         be further strengthened. The forum was attended  vices provided to clients by the Finnish employ-              dance  Week  consisted  of  several  national  and   all sectors and target groups from pre-schools to
                         by 25 participants, e.g. all heads of secondary,  ment offices. The recommendation was approved                European events, such as the 12th Euroguidance   adults, and were held in more than 20 different
                         post-secondary, tertiary educational institutions  by the Finnish Ministry of Economic Affairs and             Cross-Border Seminar, the 5th National Euroguid-  Slovak cities. The Central Office of Labour, Social
                         and a Ministry representative.  Euroguidance Mal-  Employment in the autumn, and ever since then               ance Conference, the official launch of Europass   Affairs and Family (PES) launched a campaign by
                         ta plans to increase the networking opportunities  guidelines given by the recommendation for in-              in Serbia and a webinar on opportunities for guid-  appointing one qualified counsellor at each of
                         among the guidance stakeholders beyond the  ternationally oriented service provisions have                     ance practitioners through the EPALE platform.   the 46 local PES offices to provide professional
                         educational sector to include the employment  been promoted nationally  and implemented by                     For five consecutive years Euroguidance Slovakia   career guidance services to both employed and
                         sector and employer representatives.     the public employment services.                                       has coordinated the National Lifelong Guidance   unemployed during the week. The Association for
                                                                                                                                        Week. In November 2017, it took place on the  Career Guidance and Career Development toured
                                                                                                                                        same dates as the European Vocational Skills. This  around Slovakia with  series of workshops  Grab
                                                                                                                                        time the Slovak Euroguidance Centre decided to  a coffee with a career counsellor. Euroguidance
                                                                                                                                        take the initiative to another level by encouraging  Slovakia contributed to the activities by organiz-
                                                                                                                                        other private and public organizations to get in-  ing a learning seminar for guidance practitioners
                                                                                                                                        volved in promoting lifelong guidance in Slovakia.  and by hosting a discussion with students on the
                                                                                                                                        Cooperation with the professional organization,  value of international mobility for skills acquisition
                                                                                                                                        the Association for Career Guidance and Career  and development.

     40  6. DEVELOPING GUIDANCE AS A FIELD AT NATIONAL LEVEL AND POLICY SUPPORT                                                                                              6. DEVELOPING GUIDANCE AS A FIELD AT NATIONAL LEVEL AND POLICY SUPPORT  41
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