Page 27 - Euroguidance-Networkys-Highlights-of-the-Year-2015
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                 Guidance and career counselling seminars for school guidance practitioners

 Events          The  Eurobarometer  Survey  417  (2014)  on  the  plenary  lectures  and  small  group  activities  (ap-

                 European Area of Skills and Qualifications reveals  prox. 20-30 participants) and interactive work-
                 that up to 49% of the Croatian respondents have  shops demonstrating methods and techniques
                 never used career guidance services. This calls  of working with pupils. The methods applied are
                 for a more holistic lifelong guidance and career  primarily devoted to assessing individual traits
                 management provision to be developed. The  (interests, strengths and weaknesses) and pupils’
                 national strategy for lifelong guidance and career  knowledge on various career pathways.
                 development in Croatia establishes a clear frame-  The feedback from the participants on the
                 work for professional guidance in the education
                 and employment sectors.                  training  seminars  has been  extremely  positive.
                                                          They have acknowledged the important role high
                 Against this background, the professional de-  quality guidance and counselling services play in
                 velopment of school guidance practitioners has  supporting lifelong learning, career management
 The Euroguidance Centres have traditionally been organizing a   a high priority. As a response to this, in 2015  and achievement of personal goals. They also see
                 Euroguidance Croatia delivered a Guidance and  the seminars as a good learning opportunity and
 wide range of events as well as contributed with their international   Career Counselling Seminar for school counsellors  describe them as useful, dynamic and inspiring,
 expertise to numerous events organized by other stakeholders.    in  cooperation  with  experts  specialised  in  work  but nevertheless requiring serious work. Further,
 The main audience of Euroguidance fairs, seminars and conferences   and educational psychology of the University of  they speak highly of the work of the expert
                 Zagreb and the Institute for Social Research in  lecturers, and see the value of the seminar in
 is always the guidance community. In the following pages Croatia,   Zagreb.   relation networking and knowledge sharing.
 Cyprus, former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Hungary and Poland   The aim of the seminar was to equip guidance
 share the events they arranged in 2015.   practitioners with such knowledge and compe-
                 tences needed for providing guidance and coun-
                 selling services to pupils and students in schools,
                 as well as to their parents and the teaching
                 staff. The  idea  to  develop  and  run  this  type  of
                 a seminar was based both on the recent policy
                 developments in Croatia and the EU and on the
                 target group’s practical learning needs.
                 Euroguidance Croatia has delivered altogether
                 nine seminars on guidance and career counselling
                 for  primary  and  secondary  school  teaching  and
                 counselling staff over the past three years. These
                 two-day seminars consist of a combination of  Photo: Shutterstock

                                   Marija Galovic, Euroguidance Croatia, Email [email protected]
                                   Mia Trcol, Euroguidance Croatia, Email [email protected]
                                   Email [email protected]
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