Page 24 - Euroguidance-Networkys-Highlights-of-the-Year-2015
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Slovak Republic Spain
National initiatives to foster networking Awards for innovation and quality in guidance and VET”
Euroguidance Slovakia, hosted by the Slovak Aca- In close partnership with the Czech Euroguidance It is common knowledge that teachers and guid- Teachers and guidance
demic Association for International Cooperation, Centre bilingual compendia from NCGA are pub- ance counsellors often express their strain to keep practitioners from all
is a member of the Euroguidance network since lished since 2012. As from 2013 also compendia in the daily motivation needed to carry on with their over Spain were asked
1998. During all these years it has been suppor- English are published to highlight best practices work at schools. Therefore, in 2015 the Spanish to present what they
ting cooperation of all guidance stakeholders in from these two or more countries (Bulgaria, Lithu- Euroguidance Centre focused on the needs and were doing, what they
the country. ania). The 2015 awards compendium is available requirements of one of its primary target groups, considered to be an
In 2009, the Euroguidance Centre Slovakia has online. the guidance and teaching community, and how innovative approach
to reach it better.
or practice. One of the
started to organise the National Career Guidance Cooperation of EU funded projects in the field of two first awards of
Award (NCGA). The awards are a method of re- career guidance The Euroguidance team realised that there is a 20.000 € went to a gui-
cognising the valuable work carried out by career lack of recognition of a task well done. The extra dance project that suc-
guidance and counselling service providers across In September 2015, the Euroguidance Centre Slo- efforts of teachers and guidance counsellors ceeded in involving the
the country. Identifying and awarding the best vakia organised a meeting with management should be publicly acknowledged. This led to whole school (staff, stu-
practices that have been developed by guidance teams of six EU funded projects with direct or planning a Guidance and VET Award for reward- dents and even some
practitioners showcases their dedication to pro- indirect relevance to career guidance and coun- ing this hidden work that many are doing on top local companies) in the
fessionalism, and this may inspire and motivate selling. These projects are conducted by various of their regular duty. creation and establish-
their colleagues and peers, too. institutions in the education and employment The Awards for Innovation and Quality in Guidance ment of an online Plat-
Since 2009 more than 80 institutions and indivi- sectors. They focus on various target groups, and VET were launched by the Spanish Ministry form to develop and
duals have participated in the contest. Examples such as primary and secondary school pupils, VET of Education, Culture and Sport, with the support assess the acquisition
of good practices from primary and secondary students as well as adults. of the Euroguidance Centre. The aim of this action of Career Management
schools, universities, guidance and counselling In spite of the fact that career guidance and coun- is to promote innovation and quality among those Skills among their VET
centres, public employment services, employers selling was an issue in all these projects, the com- involved in widening access to guidance for all students.
and private providers have been disseminated munication and cooperation between these students in schools as well as increasing the The prizes have been
throughout the country. projects were not very intensive. The meeting attractiveness of VET programmes. awarded in Decem-
National conferences to award the winning con- organised by the Euroguidance Centre showed The criteria for winning the prize were: the ac- ber 2015. Euroguidan-
tributions are organised annually in autumn. They that cooperation in the preparation phase as tivity should involve as many actors as possible ce Spain will promote
provide an excellent opportunity for participants well as during project realisation can create (incl. schools and local companies, students and and disseminate the
from all fields to share experience, communicate synergy and support sustainability of the proj- teachers) and promote gender equality and mo- results in the official website of the Ministry and
and network with each other and discuss future ect results. bility among teachers and students. Euroguidance Spain.
Stefan Grajcar J. Mariano Carballo
Euroguidance Slovakia Euroguidance Spain
Email [email protected] Email [email protected]