Page 20 - Euroguidance-Networkys-Highlights-of-the-Year-2015
P. 20

Slovenia                                                                                                       Turkey

                         The Euroguidance Centre and the European Commission convene                                                    Working with the universities
                         with European networks

                         The European mobility and guidance networks  a united digital market in the EU and the updated                 Euroguidance Turkey operates under the Turkish  serving the same student population. There is
                         within employment sector in Slovenia, (i.e. the  Tvoja Evropa (Your Europe) brochure where all                 Employment Agency (İŞKUR). Its main focus is  an aim to establish closer cooperation between
                         Employment Service of Slovenia, Euroguidance  the EU networks are presented.                                   on universities  and their  career guidance and  these different centres. That way the organizati-
                         and Eures) and the European Commission Re-   The participants were invited to share infor-                     counselling services available for students. As  onal capacity to serve students will be in a
                         presentation in Slovenia (ECRS) hosted for                                                                     university education on its own is not enough   more effective use. İŞKUR would like to draw
                         the first time a working meeting with other 33   mation about important network events and                     for finding a job and as there is no smooth   up a clear framework for specifying the roles
                                                                  meetings with the ECRS, for example, on social
                         European networks representatives in Slovenia                                                                  transition from education to the world of work,   of the universities and the public employment
                         in May 2015. Euroguidance Slovenia started the   media (Facebook, Twitter, etc.) so that everyone              therefore more attention needs to be given to the   sector in guidance service provision. For tackling
                                                                  concerned will be informed.
                         collaboration with ECRS in 2007. Since then the                                                                development of the student services provided by   this challenge, İŞKUR organized a workshop on 
                         contacts and cooperation with ECRS and the                                                                     the university sector. In this regard, İŞKUR as the   “University Contact Point - University Career
                         other EU networks in Slovenia have deepened.                                                                   national public employment institution has taken   Centres - the Distribution of Roles” in Ankara in
                                                                                                                                        on tasks such as to:
                         The meeting was organised to increase aware-                                                                                                            December 2015.
                         ness  of  the  different  EU-related  activities  and                                                          •  increase  the  effectiveness of  active labour
                         actions  across  the  networks.  For  example,  the                                                               market programmes in universities,
                         Euroguidance Centre presented its mission                                                                      •  help the youth enter the labour market and to
                         and emphasised the importance of developing                                                                       create their career plans,
                         guiding resources for and working with guidance                                                                •  increase the skills of university students
                         practitioners within a broader European lifelong                                                                  through active labour market programmes,
                         guidance and mobility framework. The Your first                                                                •  inform the youth in order to prepare them for
                         Eures job initiative was introduced by the Eures                                                                  the labour market before when they enter it.
                         expert as well as their new chat service launched                                                              For speeding up the above development work,
                         for jobseekers who are interested in finding em-                                                               İŞKUR has established altogether 80 University
                         ployment in other EU countries.
                                                                  »Searching for workers with well-developed                            Contact Points (UCP) nationwide by August 2015
                         At the meeting, also a review on the EU pro-  digital skills is rising every year by around                    and their number is growing.
                         gramme for research and innovation Horizon  4 %. Almost half of Europeans are not digitally                    Parallel to the İŞKUR’s UCPs, universities have
                         2020 and events planned for 10th anniversary of  literate. In the future 90% of working places will
                         European  consumers’  centres  in  Slovenia  were  need digital knowledge«, outlined Nataša Šip in             their own career centres. Both types of centres
                         presented. Additional topics were the creation of  her presentation. (Photo: Mito Žnidarko).                   are working in the field of career guidance and  Photo: Shutterstock

                                           CONTACT:                                                                                                       CONTACT:
                                           Marko Zupančič                                                                                                 Ramazan Beğboğa
        NETWORKING AND                     Euroguidance Slovenia                                                                                          Euroguidance Turkey                                             NETWORKING AND
        NETWORK-BASED                      Email [email protected]                                                                                Email [email protected]                               NETWORK-BASED
        COOPERATION TO                                                                                                                                                                                                     COOPERATION TO
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