Page 17 - Euroguidance-Networkys-Highlights-of-the-Year-2015
P. 17
Networking and
Online tool for guidance on mobility
The Prezi
The Norwegian Network for Mobility consists of bility-related issues. The presentation introduces
public organizations that promote international different mobility tools and describes how they
mobility. The partner organisations of this network can be utilised for lifelong learning and career cooperation to
are: ANSA – Association of Norwegian Students management. By means of two fictional persons
Abroad (funded by the Norwegian government); the complementary use of the different tools is
Active Youth (Eurodesk) managed by the Norwe- demonstrated in a more concrete way. From the
gian Directorate for Children, Youth and Family presentation, the users can extract what they
Affairs; EURES, which is an inherent part of the wish to focus on, only use the case stories or the promote mobility
Norwegian Labour and Welfare Administration information sections. The Prezi can be downloa-
(NAV), and Europass and Euroguidance within the ded online.
Erasmus+ programme.
The Prezi presentation is specifically designed
The Network provides information and knowledge for guidance counsellors so that they can better
to guidance counsellors and other stakeholders guide their clients on mobility opportunities.
about how to get involved in mobility activities. Easily accessible and up-to-date information on
In 2015 the National Agency for Europass and mobility presented in a pedagogical manner has
Euroguidance inaugurated the first national been requested by guidance practitioners across
conference on internationalization in primary the country. The Norwegian guidance community
education. This event was a perfect arena for has responded positively to the Prezi presenta-
the mobility network to launch its new mobility tion as it makes them better equipped for giving In 2015, France, Italy, Slovenia and Turkey were actively engaged in
tool. advice on mobility. strengthening network-based cooperation between institutional and
It is a downloadable Prezi presentation on how This Prezi is a result of smooth collaboration individual actors in the field of lifelong guidance. The main goal was
the network members can be of assistance in mo- between several national institutions. The net-
work members say to foster international mobility as well as to disseminate relevant
that through this kind information more effectively to guidance practitioners.
of cooperation more
synergy can be created
and a stronger impact
on the use of mobility
tools achieved. This
way mobility opportu-
nities and Erasmus+
programme can be ef-
ficiently disseminated
to a broader audien-
ce in Norway in the fu-
Ellen Hagen
Euroguidance Norway
Email [email protected]