Page 13 - Euroguidance-Networkys-Highlights-of-the-Year-2015
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Greece          Iceland

 e-Guidance tools for career management skills  Mobility handbook for guidance practitioners

 Lifelong Career Development Portal  Mobility handbook

                   For those interested and who can understand Icelandic, the handbook is available online.

 EOPPEP as Euroguidance Greece has developed the   ment Skills (CMS). This includes interactive CMS
 Lifelong Career Development Portal. It provides  activities and CMS learning material. The exerci-   One of the most frequent questions Icelandic  book was outdated and therefore a new and
 career development services to youngsters,  ses  that  rely  on  the  most  recent  academic  re-  guidance practitioners have asked the Euroguid-  revised handbook was published in the beginning
 adults and guidance practitioners, such as digitized  search are a useful tool for guidance practitioners   ance Centre throughout the years is where and  of 2015.
 career  tests,  career  and  mobility  information.  A  and end-users in understanding and accessing   how they themselves and their clients can find
 special part of the portal, which was completed in  several aspects of career development.   information about the different possibilities for  The handbook has been extremely well received
 2015, deals with Career Management Skills.   working and studying abroad. To ease their work,
 The skills analyzed in the CMS material and exer-        and the Euroguidance Centre has already printed
 The Digital Personal Folder for Career Planning/  cises are: readiness to happenstance, alternative   the Euroguidance Centre compiled a handbook   more copies than originally planned. Based on
 e-Portfolio Development Tool is a valuable tool  career perspectives, career adaptability, social   called “Work and studies abroad – a handbook for   the feedback received, the counsellors appreciate
 for young people and adults to present and docu-  awareness, career resilience, self-efficacy in   guidance practitioners” in 2012. This handbook   having all this information in one place instead
 ment  their  skills  with  relevance  to  their  labour  career planning, and positive orientation to the   was based on a similar publication from Sweden   of having to look for it in many different places.
 market participation, employability and personal  future. By means of the exercises the individual   (with the permission of the Swedish Euroguid-  Some of the tools mentioned (e.g. the Europass
 and social capacities. Examples of competences  can focus on him/herself, think and evaluate his/  ance Centre).  documents and the application for a recognition
 to be demonstrated: knowledge of Greek and fo-  her strengths and weaknesses, also in relation to   With the commencement of the Erasmus+ pro-  of studies abroad) have been very useful for
 reign languages, numeracy, ICT literacy, creativity,  international  mobility.  Discussions  with a  career   gramme, some of the information in this hand-  counsellors and their clients alike.
 teamwork, entrepreneurial mindset, interperso-  guidance practitioner as well as further intro-
 nal and communication skills, etc.   spection and reflection on one’s own can help in
 making decisions on the future career direction.
 The e-portfolio can also be completed in English   The handbook contains the following chapters:
 (see an example). For younger students and   1.   The European dimension in guidance and its importance
 adolescents, there is a simpler  e-portfolio de-  CMS help users of all ages to collect, analyze,
 velopment tool. The creation of the e-Portfolio   synthesize and organize information about    2.  International regulations and agreements for mobility
 is based on international studies (incl. Cedefop,   themselves, their education and occupations,    3.  Study grants in Europe
 OECD) and EU-level recommendations (e.g. Key   and allow them to better take decisions on
 Competences for Lifelong Learning).   managing transitions with greater flexibility    4.  Working in another European country
 and adaptability. These skills support a more   5.  International possibilities for guidance practitioners.
 On the e-Stadiodromia, there is a special section   effective management of careers.
 on exercises on how to develop Career Manage-

 CONTACT:                          CONTACT:
 National Organization for the Certification of    Dóra Stefánsdóttir
 Qualifications and Vocational Guidance (ΕOPPEP),    Euroguidance Iceland
 Career Guidance Directorate - Euroguidance Greece,    Email [email protected]
 Email [email protected]
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