Page 3 - euroguidance-insight-newsletter-2012-spring
P. 3
More bees go to a single drop of honey
Short news
than to a whole barrel of vinegar
Individuals receive and provide internal process information through 5 different Conference in Zurich
International networking confe-
channels: V-visual (sight), A-auditory (hearing), K-kinesthetic (feeling), O-olfac- rences are designed to bring to-
tory (smell) and G-gustatory (taste). However, people are different. One may be gether guidance practitioners
visually oriented, while the other may be olfactory oriented. Visual, auditory and from about 30 countries, with
the aim of enhancing their
kinesthetic channels are the most common perception channels in Western
knowledge in a particular sub-
cultures. Olfactory and gustatory channels are less used. For this reason, they are ject and providing a networking
summarised under kinesthetic channel. opportunity.
When preparing a workshop or a lecture from different points of view, exchan- We are very excited to be able
to invite you to the first Euro-
according to the V-A-K-O-G system, co- ge opinions and experience. They pre-
guidance International Net-
lours, videos or music should be taken fer listening in lectures to learning working Conference in Zurich/
into consideration as well as experiment- from books and prefer oral instruct- Switzerland themed “Guidance
tal exercises, role plays and handouts. tions and telephone arrangements. in the Context of International-
These instruments make a workshop mo- isation”.
re dynamic and interesting. Kinesthetic individuals
They feel the world. The lecturer must
Visual-oriented Individuals show that he/she feels and believes in
The visual-oriented person perceives the his/her own words. The speech should
world mainly through his/her eyes. Their be convincing and enthusiastic.
attention can be attracted by visual signs
and contrasting colours. During a presen- Kinesthetic-oriented people need time
tation the lecturer should be dynamic to understand new information, know-
and note his body language. ledge and people. They learn mostly Claire Dové
through their own experience, practice
Visual-oriented people tend to ask the or role plays. They like to touch things.
lecturer to write something down. For
them it is easier to grasp a meaning The lecturer fills a presentation with
when they see the written word. They life. He/she gives added value and a
like clear, structural instructions. Their unique character to presentations
notes are structured, readable and easy through his/her personality. We know
to understand. They prefer writing ar- that a menu is not food, a map not the
rangements and to communicate online. landscape and hand-outs are not semi-
Cristina Seoane
With regard to their personal appear- nars. The lecturer is the most impor-
ance, they usually adhere to a dress co- tant factor in a presentation, since it is The conference will take place
de. he/she who may meet or not the ex- on Friday, 14 September 2012
pectation of the participants. To sum it at the Priora Business Centre
(, which is
Auditory-oriented Individuals up with a Slovenian proverb: More
very close to the International
The ear is the most important sense for bees go to a single drop of honey than Airport of Zurich. It will bring
them. Therefore a lecturer must pay to a whole barrel of vinegar. together practitioners and ex-
great attention to his voice (intonation, perts from the educational and
speed, pauses, strengths and clear pro- Andreja Jurček, guidance counsellor at Employment career guidance sector, as well
Service of Slovenia as other stakeholders in the
nunciations). An auditory-oriented per- field of guidance from different
son likes to talk things through, evaluate European countries and
a matter Switzerland.
Cristina Seoane and Claire Dové
Euroguidance Switzerland