Page 20 - NCGA2018_EN_eBook
P. 20

For the tenth consecutive year,         state organisations, NGOs, private
                  Euroguidance centre in Slovakia         companies,      career     guidance
                  awarded       organisations      and    practitioners   and     professionals
                  individuals that work relentlessly on   attended the conference. The award
                  improving quality and accessibility of   ceremony was accompanied by
                  career guidance services in Slovakia.   a fair of all the practices that entered
                  A  total of 21 innovative practices     the competition. Moreover, the
                  entered the competition, out of         Association for Career Guidance

                  which 5, deemed exceptional in          and Career Development, as the
                  quality, innovation, client orientation,   main partner, revealed during the
                  and eff ectiveness, were singled out    ceremony that the 2019 IAEVG
                  by the commission of experts to be      Conference will be held in Slovakia
                  publicly awarded at the fi nal award    and Czech Republic.
                  ceremony which took place on 18
                  September 2018 in Bratislava.           Other    partners   of   the    2018
                                                          National Career Guidance Award
                  As every year, the ceremony             included the Ministry of Education,
                  concluded months of preparation and     Science, Research and Sport, the
                  created a  platform for an extensive    Representation of the European

                  networking and peer learning.           Commission in Slovak Republic and
                  Given the 10 years anniversary, the     the National Agency for Erasmus+
                  conference presented, in addition,      Programme for Education and
                  an opportunity to recall all the        Training Sectors.
                  award-winning organisations and
                  individuals throughout the years and    The National Career Guidance Award
                  to showcase the progress that the       has, over the years, become a widely
                  guidance community in Slovakia has      recognised and acclaimed initiative
                  achieved over the last decade.  The     among the guidance community in
                  ‘community’ aspect of the National      Slovakia and we hope we can keep
                  Career Guidance Award was further       writing this „endless story of good
                  emphasised by the motto of the          guidance practices“ together also in
                  2018 conference –  ‘We are writing      the following years.

                  the  story of the career guidance in
                  Slovakia together‘.                     Team of the Euroguidance centre in
                                                          Slovak Republic
                  More      than    90     participants,
                  including representatives of the

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