Page 22 - NCGA2018_EN_eBook
P. 22

                  ITrampoline for All
                  A development and job placement programme ‘ITrampoline for All’ is the
                  outcome of an international (Erasmus+) project that was developed by
                  a non-governmental organisation  Karpatská nadácia  in cooperation with
                  partners from Slovakia, Hungary and Germany. The goal of the project was to
                  support employability of people with physical disabilities in the IT sector. The
                  project responded to the fact that people with disabilities are often denied

                  opportunities to fulfi ll their potential due to their handicap.
                  The mission of the project was twofold: 1) identifi cation of barriers that halts
                  integration of people with disabilities into the labour market; 2) identifi cation
                  and development of tools, practices and measures that would support
                  transition of people with disabilities to the IT sector.
                  A  complex model was developed by the project team with 3 levels of
                  1) Interactive training ‘Trampoline’ – focus on supporting integration and
                     development of soft (transferable) skills (Karpatská nadácia has developed
                     and provided this training since 2014);
                  2) Vocational Potential Assessment Centre (VPAC) – an innovative

                     assessment and (IT) job placement tool for people with disabilities. The
                     goal was to adjust existing recruitment and assessment methods to better
                     refl ect and address diversity of workforce and to prevent discrimination.
                  3) The Elevator Development Centre (EDC) – the outcome of the last phase
                     was to create a tailor-made guide for training support to jobseekers with
                     disabilities who apply for IT positions. This tool is based on the fi ndings
                     from the Assessment Centre and helps jobseekers to develop their
                     potential through 3 training courses (IT Skills, Soft Skills, Language Skills –
                     English or German)

                  More info:

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