Page 10 - Open_the_door_to_the_world
P. 10
TradiTional undersTanding of extended understanding of
inTernaTional experience international experience
• Language skills • Ability to think outside one´s sphere of
• Wide networks within one´s field experience
• Understanding of international business • Broad networks also in different fields
• Ability to work with multiple people • New abilities and skills during free time
• Having lived or studied abroad • Work with diverse groups of people regardless
of language or location
• Follows global media
illustration from ciMO report Hidden Competences
of international experience. productivity, new tools for understanding
resilience, and curiosity can help to gain international skills and
competitive advantage in the working life in competences
general, not only in international organisations. it was obvious that tools were lacking for a
better understanding of the international key
curiosity – the fuel of motivation irrespective competences that young people and students
of the field of study or education level of an might have. in order to get fresh ideas directly
individual – can be considered the most inter- from the target group, the task of creating
esting of these traits. While productivity and such tools was given to the summer trainees
resilience have been discussed in the labour of ciMO. they designed a web-based test
market context, curiosity has not. an employ- that helps young people understand their
ee’s curiosity is beneficial to all organisations. international competences . the trainees also
the world needs people who can create suc- collected some good ideas for expressing
cessful businesses, and curiosity helps identify international competences when searching
what drives the future. Most likely, curiosity will for a job. it is not enough just to mention the
continue to rise in status as a social strength, period abroad in one’s cV; one has to be
and it will also have an impact on the job able to show clearly the learning outcomes
market. acquired. the new tools for guidance
practitioners include exercises that are de-
the research calls for employers to develop signed for individual and group guidance
a better understanding of the new skills and sessions.
competences needed in workplaces. they
must also come to understand the key role
international experiences play in developing
these skills and competences. young people
and students face a similar challenge: how to
articulate the skills and competences acquired 2) the test is aimed at young finnish people, and it is
available in the official languages of finland – finnish and
while studying or working abroad? swedish: