Page 33 - Open_the_door_to_the_world
P. 33

life that have hitherto been taken for granted     I am more extrovert, open to new things and adaptive
          are challenged by other ways of seeing and         now than before the exchange. Everyone should go
          doing things, and this provokes a reflection       and experience what it is like to live in another country.
          process in which participants must adjust and      I now appreciate my own country more, and my
          rearrange their mental frameworks to try and
          come to terms with this “new reality” that they    attitude is more positive.”
          have become part of. Mezirow (without actu-                        a student from finland quoted in erasmus impact study, 2014
          ally having transnational mobility in mind) has
          called this process “transformative learning”. to   constructions, and many of the disadvantaged
          accomplish this, both practically and mentally,   young people are being continually reaffirmed
          the participants must develop new insights,   in their status by the (negative) expectations
          skills and competences. the intensity of this   arising from  their  surroundings. placing them
          learning process is, of course, directly propor-  in a new environment – risky as it might be –
          tional to the length of the stay and the degree   also gives them a possibility to act being free
          of integration into the environment of the host   of many of the constraints they experience
          country. it is perfectly possible to come out of   in their daily life: to experiment with those
          a short-term stay with little or no learning, but   aspects of their personality which are normally
          properly planned and executed stays abroad   suppressed and, to a certain extent, “reinvent
          represent a rich potential for learning and   themselves” without fearing the disapproval
          personal development. yet learning through   of their peers. the other aspect hinges on the
          these “disorienting dilemmas” is not a painless   motivational value of a stay abroad for persons
          process, as it feeds, so to speak, on the exist-  who are often very little mobile in their daily
          ence of problems and barriers. instances of   lives and for whom the thought of moving
          premature return due to a failure to cope with   even to a neighbouring town to pursue
          these are known from all mobility schemes,   opportunities for education or employment
          even when dealing with mainstream youths   represents an insurmountable barrier. for
          who are not in the “disadvantaged” category.   such people, the experience of a successfully
          subjecting fragile young people with few   accomplished stay in a foreign country may
          resources to such an experience is not without   provide an impetus to cross other borders,
          risks and pitfalls, and it certainly requires a high   which now suddenly appear less formidable in
          degree of professionalism of the organisers.   comparison with what they have achieved.

          a 2004 cedefop study on the participation   reacHing balance and a
          of disadvantaged groups in mobility projects   Holistic view
          (Kristensen, 2004) focuses on the development   taking the cue from the practical experience
          of mobility projects as a pedagogical tool for   gained so far, along with the theoretical frame-
          this target group. it is a qualitative study which   work, two messages concerning a successful
          is based on data obtained from document   involvement of disadvantaged groups in
          analyses and interviews with organisers from   mobility activities seem to appear.
          8 different european placement schemes. in
          the conclusions of the study, the following   1: Strike the right balance between the challenges
          aspects of the learning potential of these   of the experience and the resources of the target
          experiences are highlighted as especially rele-  group.  at the very core of the use of mobility
          vant for this target group. One of the aspects   as a pedagogical tool lies the idea of employ-
          is concerned with the use of the stay abroad   ing “disorienting dilemmas” as a launching
          as a “free space”, as an environment where the   pad for the learning processes. if organisers
          participants may be free of the expectations   consistently try to eliminate all problems for
          which surround them in their daily life. Many of   the participants to give them as pleasant an
          the disadvantages are to a large extent social   experience as possible, they have misunder-

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