Page 34 - Open_the_door_to_the_world
P. 34

More than 90 % of Erasmus students perceived a gain      if outcomes are not properly followed up, the
               in their confidence through studying abroad.             whole experience may be stored away in a
                                                                        remote attic in the heads of the participants
                                                   erasmus impact study, 2014  from where it has no impact on their future
                                                                        lives. interventions in all the three phases must
                             stood what it all is about (reichel, 1999). but it   be geared to the target group and consistent
                             makes sense to try to help the participants by   with one another. this is true for all mobility
                             removing the trivial, practical problems, which   experiences undertaken for learning purposes,
                             can take the focus and energy away from the   but whereas one may get away with little
                             ones that are crucial to the learning processes;   when dealing with resourceful young people
                             to prepare the participants by giving them   and still register a positive impact, a careless
                             knowledge and competences that can help    attitude to this with disadvantaged target
                             them solve these crucial problems; and to   groups is likely to produce a disaster, with par-
                             monitor the stays so that it would be pos-  ticipants ending up with a negative experience
                             sible to intervene if things threatened to fall   and even worse off than before.
                             apart. Generally, when dealing with the target
                             group of young people with few resources, it
                             is essential to ensure that the challenges they
                             encounter are of such a nature and scope that
                             they – maybe with a little help – can realistical-
                             ly overcome them. the term “scaffolding” from
                             social constructivist theory is appropriate here:
                             the organiser should provide just enough sup-  Bibliography
                             port to allow the participants to reach heights   becker, c., Goldkamp, s. & Kroos, D. (2012): Grenz-
                             they would not have been able to scale alone,   überschreitende Mobilität bei sozial benachteiligten
                             but the ownership of the process belongs to   Jugendlichen in der berufsbildung – Kompetenz-
                             the participants.                          erwerb und besonderer nutzen der auslands-
                                                                        erfahrung.  na beim bibb. federal Ministry of labour
                                                                        and social affairs (2011): Mid-term review of the
                             2: Adopt a holistic view on all the phases of the   esf-programme ida: integration through exchange.
                             project – before, during, and after.  adequate   Jarvis, p. (1999): the practitioner-researcher: Develop-
                             preparation for a mobility experience ideally   ing theory from practice. new york: Jossey-bass.
                             contains linguistic, cultural, practical, psycho-  Kristensen, s. (2004b): Disadvantaged groups in trans-
                             logical, and pedagogical aspects. During the   national placement projects. luxembourg, Office for
                             stay, monitoring and possibly mentoring must   Official publications of the european communities.
                             be provided. in the debriefing phase, partici-   la brack, b. (1993): the missing linkage: the process
                             pants must be helped to discuss and reflect   of integrating orientation and reentry. in r. Michael
                             on their experiences; learning outcomes (both   paige (ed.): education for the intercultural experience.
                                                                        yarmouth: intercultural press inc.
                             intended and unintended) must be evaluated,
                             documented and possibly recognised; and    Mezirow, J. (2000): learning to think like an adult: core
                                                                        concepts of transformation theory. in Mezirow, J. (ed.)
                             guidance must be provided to help them act   learning as transformation: critical perspectives on a
                             on the acquired knowledge, skills, and compe-  theory in progress. new york: Jossey-bass.
                             tences. all of these phases are in themselves   reichel, D. (1999): the franco-German youth Organ-
                             of a vital importance to the project, but even   isation: reflections on 35 years of experience. in
                             more important – as argued by la brack (1993)   international reconstruction – european yearbook on
                             and stadler (1994) – is the totality of the three:   youth policy and research, Vol. 2. Walther de Gruyter:
                                                                        berlin, new york.
                             without adequate preparation, the stay may
                             disintegrate; but without provisions for moni-  stadler, p. (1994): Globales und interkulturelles lernen
                                                                        in Verbindung mit auslandsaufenthalten – ein bildungs-
                             toring and/or mentoring during the stay, even   konzept. saarbrücken, Verlag für entwicklungspolitik
                             the best preparation may be of no avail. finally,   breitenbach Gmbh.

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