Page 45 - Open_the_door_to_the_world
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abroad. having your own experience of being and oneself. so, if the european union con-
a stranger in another country also contributes tinues to promote mobility and aspire to an
to the understanding of the experiences of open tolerance of all sorts of people and all
immigrants at home. kinds of life phenomena, a desire for us to live
peacefully together in mutual acceptance one
tolerance witHin reacH day will be a reality.
the fact that there are several thousands of
europeans of all ages participating in mobil-
ity activities each year will hopefully create a
feeling of belonging to this community shared
by more than 500 million people. in the long
run, as the eu and national policymakers say,
a european citizenship will probably grow to a
european identity, which in turn will become
something that really unites us, europeans.
Getting used to regular cooperation across
borders will eventually lead to a more global
perception of the international community
centre for international Mobility ciMO & Demos
helsinki (2013). piilotettu osaaminen [hidden com-
petence]. available on the internet:
Date of consultation: 16 June, 2014.
european union agency for fundamental rights fra
(2012). Making hate crime visible in the european
union: acknowledging victims’ rights. available on
the internet:
ing-victims-rights. Date of consultation: 16 June, 2014.
the charter of the european union fundamental
rights (2010). Official Journal of the european union.
Mitchell, K. (2012). student Mobility and european
identity: erasmus study as a civic experience? Journal
of contemporary european research, 8 (4), pp.
490–518. available on the internet at
Date of consultation: 16 June, 2014.
Quacquarelli symonds limited Qsl (2014). trends in
international student Mobility: a comparative study of
international student choices, motivations and expec-
tations 2009–2013. available on the internet :
Date of consultation: 16 June, 2014.
sigalas, e. (2009). Does erasMus student Mobility
promote a european identity? conWeb no. 2/2009.
institute for european integration research. austrian
academy of sciences, Vienna.