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useful links
lifelong guidance Portal for Learning Opportunities and Qualifica-
lifelong guidance is a policy area of its own with- tions in Europe:
in eu´s education policy. One of the most impor-
tant pillars is the european council’s resolution the Erasmus+ programme supports learners and
on lifelong guidance adopted in 2008. there, it is school staff (teachers, administrators, guidance
stressed that “the enlargement of the european counsellors and support staff) who want to
union has increased the potential for mobility in learn more from other countries. the seven year
education and training, as well as in the labour programme (2014–2020) will provide opportu-
market, thereby creating the need to prepare nities for over 4 million europeans to study, train,
union citizens to develop their learning and gain work experience, and volunteer abroad:
professional pathways in a broader geographical
context“. for the full text, see www.consilium. dex_en.htm. the Nordplus programme is a similar support
educ/104236.pdf programme but only open to the nordic/baltic
there are two main networks supported by the countries. it offers grants for all school levels, a
european commission, related to guidance: horizontal grant, and a language grant: www.
the Euroguidance Network which has two main
roles: to promote a european dimension in guid- reports on mobility
ance and to provide quality information on life-
long guidance and mobility for learning purposes. effects of mobility on the skills and employability
the most important work of the euroguidance of students and the internationalisation of higher
centres in europe is to draw counsellors’ attention education institutions was investigated in the
to the learning possibilities which exist in europe Erasmus Impact Study of 2014;
for their clients. for further information, please education/library/study/2014/erasmus-impact_
visit and euroguidancemobility. en.pdf. in 2012–13, the finnish centre for international
the European Lifelong Guidance Policy Network Mobility (ciMO) examined how employers
(elGpn) which aims to assist the european coun- rated the skills and knowledge acquired through
tries and the european commission in developing international experiences in their recruitment.
european cooperation on lifelong guidance in in the first chapter of this publication you can
both the education and the employment sectors. read about the results. the report is called
for further information, please visit Hidden Competences, and a summary in english
is available here:
otHer eu activities related to prime_product_julkaisu/cimo/embeds/cimoww-
guidance and mobility petences.pdf.
Europass consists of five documents to make
skills and qualifications clearly and easily under- in 2009, the european commission published a
stood in europe, Green Paper on Learning Mobility, which stated
that one of the most important ways in which
EURES (european employment services) aims to individuals, particularly young people, can in-
facilitate the free movement of workers in crease their employability and develop as human
europe, beings is to travel to another country for a period
Eurodesk provides information on european to acquire new skills:
policies and opportunities for young people and cOMGreen%20paperMObility.pdf.
those who work with them:
the work on the European Qualification Frame-
work (eQf) aims at creating a common reference
framework which will help compare qualifications
across europe. Download this leaflet for more