Page 6 - Students-and-Guidance-Process
P. 6
Career Skills: What do
they mean?
Hello! This guide is addressed to you and to all students who feel What then are the career skills you can develop throughout your
the need to think about their school and professional life and life?
about their future as citizens.
Find the answer in the following game!...
We all feel more satisfied when we realise that we are able of
dealing with the challenges that arise in our lives. And when we Or find out more on the pages to follow.
realise that we gain some support and freedom to show our ideas
and dream about the person we want to become. You can find words vertically, horizontally and diagonally, written
backwards or forwards.
Living with dreams, passion, and at the same time with
responsibility and friendship, may seem difficult, but it is possible, Curiosity Autonomy Cooperation Planning Trust
and it is within the reach of all students who are committed to
developing their career skills.
Career is a process of building ourselves, of who we are.
Therefore, it covers not only experiences as a student at school, but
also experiences as a child, neighbour, boyfriend/girlfriend, friend,
sportsman, among others, in the family, during free time, in
friendship and at work.
This guide is intended to help you think of five key career
competencies that facilitate decision-making and building ideas,
support, and freedom of thought for your life. At the same time,
they are skills that help you think about what kind of society you
would like to live in and that you could help build wherever you
Find out in this brochure what these skills are and how you can
learn and develop them throughout your life.
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