Page 5 - The-Role-of-Teachers-in-Guidance
P. 5
The integration of guidance practices in a school context is based
on a comprehensive and integrative view of educational practices.
In this perspective, guidance activities are complementary to
other educational activities and their effectiveness depends, to a
large extent, on the capacity to create synergies between the
different educational agents, and between them and the
Considering that career development is a lifelong process that
involves successive transitions, then the integration of guidance
practices in a school context is crucial to support individuals in
defining their life project and managing the multiple transitions
that career development involves.
Teachers can, at different times in the educational process, play
a complementary role to that of other educational agents (e.g.
psychologists and parents) in promoting career development. In
this sense, it is important to know how to support students in
building a career project. However, that on its own is not enough. It
is necessary to articulate their practice with other educational
agents, in order to contribute to comprehensive interventions and
avoid isolated actions, with little consistency and, therefore, less
effective in responding to students' needs.
Given the influential role of teachers in building students' life
projects, the purpose of this brochure is to reflect on the content
of guidance in an educational context and to make some
suggestions for a more consistent and intentional action in the
support that teachers provide in this field.