Page 12 - career-guidance-in-the-life-course-structures-and-services-in-germany
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Career Guidance in the Life Course – Structures and Services in Germany

           Exchange) and online applications tools both for employ-  the voucher are supposed to find a recognized and accred-
           ers and applicants.                                ited training provider and course by themselves, assisted
                                                              either by the nationwide database on educational and train-
             The  counselling  of  unemployed and job seekers   ing courses, KURSNET (see page 15) or by other guidance
           in the EA is mainly carried out by placement officers,   and counselling services outside the EA.
           who usually have successfully completed a basic train-
           ing  in  counselling.  Basing  their  work  on  an  analysis  of   Guidance for continuing education
           strengths and weaknesses (profiling), they check skills,   by the municipalities
           competences and aptitudes required for vacant jobs. An
           action plan describes the next steps and responsibilities   Guidance services for adults outside the FEA often focus on
           of the unemployed person and the placement officer. If   adult general education and on continuing vocational educa-
           occupational integration requires further training or any   tion and training (CVET). Most municipalities maintain adult
           other activities in order to improve the person’s employ-  education centres (Volkshochschulen) which provide both
           ability, these are also written down in the action plan and   general education and CVET. Information and advice regard-
           have to be put into practice.                      ing their programmes and assistance in individual learning
                                                              issues are part of their regular tasks, which are mostly car-
             Since 2005, there have been substantial changes in leg-  ried out by lecturers, who usually hold an additional guid-
           islation with respect to the occupational integration of long-  ance qualification, alongside their main teaching job.
           term unemployed persons (Social Code II), merging un-
           employment benefits and social assistance in what is now   In addition, a growing number of municipalities main-
           called basic subsistence for claimants who are capable to   tain independent Municipal Educational Guidance Ser-
           work. This assistance applies to all persons who have been   vices, which often have been initiated and funded by the
           unemployed for more than twelve  months and to those who   Federal Government as well as by Länder programmes.
           have never previously worked in insured employment. In this   They are open to everybody.
           context, vocational guidance is obligatory following the poli-
           cy principles of “support and challenge”. This means that un-  Guidance for further training by Federal Government
           employment benefits are only granted if support options, in-  programmes
           cluding vocational guidance and its outcomes, are accepted.
                                                              Within the framework of the lifelong learning strategy,
             Guidance and support under Social  Code  II is mostly   the Federal Government initiated and funded several pro-
           delivered in joint Job Centres which are organised by the   grammes which promoted continuing vocational training
           local EA and the municipality, or by the municipality alone.   and related guidance activities. As part of the programmes
           Here, claimants under Social Code II receive intensive coun-  Learning Regions – Supporting Networks  (Lernende
           selling, following a case management approach. In this con-  Regionen –  Förderung  von  Netzwerken  2001–2007)  and
           text vocational guidance not only involves placement and   Local Learning (Lernen vor Ort 2009–2012) the govern-
           counselling on vocational options and training but also in-  ment promoted the establishment and professionalization
           cludes information on benefits and other financial support.   of educational guidance services in the municipalities.

             Young unemployed under the age of 25 are served     Another programme initiated and funded by the
           by a special unit (Team U 25) and in case of multiple prob-  Federal Ministry of Education and Research BMBF in order
           lems receive even more intensive coaching (the legal ratio   to strengthen lifelong learning is the  Education Grant
           is one case manager for 75 young people). They are enti-  (Bildungsprämie) which is designed to promote continuing
           tled to receive a job or training offer immediately.   education and training for employed persons through fi-
                                                              nancial assistance. A voucher up to about 500 € is issued
             Employed or unemployed persons who wish to take up   after an obligatory counselling session, which focuses on
           further training or retraining in order to improve their   the personal conditions of financial assistance but also on
           employability or job perspectives can claim a voucher for   the aims and preferences which the person has for his/her
           financial assistance from the EA (Bildungsgutschein; § 81   further education, and on possible training courses. Guid-
           Social Code III). The voucher is only issued after a counsel-  ance in this context is provided by certified private institu-
           ling interview by the EA on the applicant’s personal apti-  tions (mostly by adult education centres, chambers of com-
           tude, motivation and individual circumstances as well as on   merce and crafts, trade unions or private training institutes).
           the type of education and training needed. However, EAs
           are not allowed to recommend any particular educational   Furthermore, the BMBF in co-operation with the Länder
           institution, training provider or course. The beneficiaries of   developed a concept for a nationwide telephone service
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