Page 16 - career-guidance-in-the-life-course-structures-and-services-in-germany
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Career Guidance in the Life Course – Structures and Services in Germany

           These courses include work experience and practical train-  Youth Migration Service
           ing, which help the young people to acquire vocational
           skills and capabilities, as well as social pedagogical assis-  Practitioners from Youth Migration Services support young
           tance and career orientation and guidance.         migrants under 27 years and those with a foreign back-
                                                              ground  in  their  educational and vocational  integration
             During the apprenticeship training in a company the   process through career guidance. The aim is to enhance
           EA can also grant so called “training aids” to support the   equal opportunities and equal participation for migrants in
           apprentices’ vocational education and training process   all aspects of political, vocational, cultural and social life.
           through remedial lessons, social pedagogical guidance   Applying a comprehensive case management approach,
           and assistance.                                    the Youth Migration Services draft individual action plans
                                                              based on interests, competences and needs in discussion
           4.3  Guidance for people                           with the young person. The social workers and profession-
               with a migrant background                      al pedagogues who work in over 400 offices across the
                                                              country often have a migrant background themselves so
           About 20 % of the population in Germany has a migrant   that they may speak the youngsters’ mother tongue and
           background. Of these, 11 % of the total population are   have a better understanding of their problems. They also
           German citizens, and 9  % hold a foreign passport (Statis-  co-operate with and refer young people to other local ser-
           tisches Bundesamt (b), 2012). Most of them have special   vices. The Youth Migration Service is financed by the Youth
           guidance requirements, including the need for more infor-  and Children Plan by the Federal Ministry for Families, Sen-
           mation on the German labour market and educational sys-  ior Citizens, Women and Youth (BMFSFJ).
           tem. Furthermore, their foreign qualifications are often not
           easily recognized in Germany. Many migrants may only   Information and Qualification Network (IQ-Network)
           have limited knowledge of the German language. People
           with a migrant background often have lower qualification   A  number  of projects  and  non-profit  organisations at
           levels and work in low-income sectors; for these reasons   Federal, Länder and local level address the career guidance
           they are more likely to be unemployed.             needs  of  youths  and adults  with a  migrant background.
                                                              They are usually located in the larger cities with a size-
             In general, people with a migrant background have     able migrant population. In the IQ Network, which was initi-
           access to all guidance services. But in order to better    ated in 2005 by the Federal Ministry of Labour and Social
           understand their  cultural  background  and  meet  their    Affairs (BMAS), several guidance projects and organizations
           specific language and information needs, specialized    specializing in guidance for people with a migrant back-
           services have been established.                    ground work together. The nationwide network of six cen-
                                                              tres and further transfer projects is funded by the FEA and
                                                              co-ordinated by the Central Agency for Advanced Training
                                                              in the Skilled Crafts. The IQ Network aims to enhance the
                                                              job situation of adult migrants though guidance and coun-
                                                              selling,  vocational  qualification,  skills  assessment  and
                                                              business start-up support.

                                                              Guidance in the context of “The Recognition Act for
                                                              the procedure to assess professional qualifications”

                                                              The Federal Government’s Recognition Act was enacted in
                                                              April 2012. In its context the existing provisions by the
                                                              IQ-Network took over the task as contact and information
                                                              centers to support people looking for recognition of their
                                                              foreign qualifications. Complementing the face-to-face
                                                              counselling services, a multilingual internet information
                                                              portal (
                                                              html/en/index.php) and a telephone hotline is provided
                                                              by the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (BAMF).
                                                              It provides information on the recognition process and ac-
                                                              cess to further guidance and counselling.
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