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Career Guidance in the Life Course – Structures and Services in Germany

           6.  Quality and professionalism                         Since 2012 the German “Society for Information, Guid-

               in career guidance and                            ance and Therapy at Universities” (GIBeT) offers a train-
               counselling                                       ing certificate for guidance practitioners in higher edu-
                                                                 cation (
           Issues of professionalism and quality in career guidance have
           recently gained importance due to the increased awareness   Several professional associations refer to the “Ethical
           of  the  role  of guidance  in  implementing  lifelong  learning   Standards” and the “International Competences for Guid-
           strategies. The Federal Government’s “Conception for Life-  ance Practitioners” of the International Association for Edu-
           long Learning” (2008) accordingly highlights the importance   cational and Vocational Guidance (IAEVG 1995, 2003).
           of transparency, easy access and quality of guidance and the
           qualification requirements for guidance practitioners (Bun-  Some Länder, regional authorities and municipalities have
           desministerium für Bildung und Forschung (b), 2008).  introduced obligatory standard systems of quality assurance
                                                              for the guidance services they fund. For example, in Hessen
           6.1  Quality standards and quality assurance       the quality mark for guidance “audited educational guidance
                                                              organisation” identifies good quality. In several regions the
           In Germany there are a number of sector-specific or pro-  Learner- and Client-oriented Quality Certificate (LQW)
           vider-specific quality standards and quality assurance sys-  is used, as for example in Berlin and Lower Saxony.
           tems in operation. However, no generally agreed quality
           standards which are applicable in all sectors of guidance in   The German National Guidance Forum in Education, Ca-
           education, career and employment are in place. Moreover,   reer and Employment (nfb) developed general, cross-secto-
           only a few legal regulations guarantee minimum stand-  ral quality standards and a competence profile for guidance
           ards of quality in guidance, since they mostly refer to the   practitioners as well as a quality development tool for or-
           citizen’s entitlement to guidance but not to how guidance   ganisations. In this process relevant actors and stakeholders
           should be delivered.                               from policy, research and practice collaborated as part of
                                                              an “open process of co-ordination for quality develop-
             The  basic standards for career guidance formu-  ment in career guidance” (www.beratungsqualitaet.
           lated in Social Code III for the provision of guidance by EAs   net) from 2009 to 2014. The project was carried out in co-
           require that the individual’s autonomy and the recognition   operation with the Institute for Educational Science at the
           of the client’s aptitudes, interests and abilities as well as his   University of Heidelberg; it was funded by the Federal Minis-
           or her social environment and the general labour market   try of Education and Research.
           prospects are considered. The law requires that the kind
           and intensity of guidance service depend on the individual   6.2  Professional status, education and
           client’s needs. Confidentiality and impartiality are also ba-  training of guidance practitioners
           sic standards. In addition, the FEA and the Job Centres have
           defined more detailed quality guidelines for vocational   As in the case of quality assurance, there is no legal regula-
           guidance and case management in their own contexts.  tion of the qualifications, training and professional status
                                                              of career guidance practitioners and counsellors in Ger-
             However, in the growing private and semi-private sec-  many. Each sector or provider of guidance defines its own
           tor, no general requirements for quality or qualification of   requirements – normally a higher education degree (Bach-
           staff are yet in place. Some providers and  professional    elor or Master) and some additional further training are a
           associations have established their own standards, e.g.:   prerequisite.
                The German Association for Vocational and Educational
             Guidance (Deutscher Verband für Bildungs­ und Berufs­  School-based guidance and counselling usually
             beratung e.V., dvb) has set up a guidance practitioners   requires teacher training and some additional guidance-re-
             register  (BerufsBeratungsRegister) where counselling   lated further training. The Länder define the requirements
             practitioners who fulfil defined quality standards can be   and provide for the training. School psychologists have a
             registered and listed   Master’s degree in psychology and in some Länder a teach-
                The German Association for Counselling  (Deutsche   ing qualification, too.
             Gesellschaft für Beratung e.V.) accepted in 2009
             ”Essentials  for  continuing  education in counselling”    The Federal Employment Agency runs its own Univer-
             (Essentials für Weiterbildung in Beratung/Counselling)   sity of Applied Sciences  (Hochschule der Bundesagentur
             including professional standards for quality and service   für Arbeit, HdBA) where career counsellors study a three-
             delivery     year multi-disciplinary Bachelor programme which closely
                                                              links theory to practice in the local Employment Agencies.
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