Page 11 - eg-highlights-2019
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The group mainly revised a booklet on mobility  The webinars covered the following topics:   the Network. Subscription to this communication  For  statistical  information  in  relation  to  www.
 that  includes  a  list  of  articles  or  research  on  “Phases of adjustment as part of the mobility   will be encouraged over the course of 2020. and the Network Facebook Page
 mobility themes. It will be made available on  process”, “Night of professions” and “Guidance in   go to the Facts and Figures section.
 the network’s website in 2020. Further, it was in  school education for young newcomers”.  Social Media
 charge of the Academia Exchange programme for   The Euroguidance centres of Czech Republic and   The Euroguidance centres of Austria and Norway
 guidance professionals in Europe (see chapter 6)   Throughout  2019 the Euroguidance Network’s  have acted as leaders of the group. The other
 which aims at developing the skills of professionals   Serbia have acted as leaders of the group. The   Facebook Page  continued  to be  used for  the  members involved are the Euroguidance centres
 other members involved are the Euroguidance
 through mobility experiences.   posting of updates and news about international  in Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, Germany,
 centres in Belgium (FL), Bulgaria, Cyprus, Greece,   mobility  and  guidance  related  topics  as  well  as  Ireland, Lithuania, Montenegro, Netherlands,
 Lastly, a presentation of the online course DINAMO  Hungary, Malta, North Macedonia, Poland, Portu-  for showcasing the activities and achievements of  Turkey and the United Kingdom.
 ( developed  gal, Romania and Slovakia.  the Network.
 by Euroguidance France, was presented at the
 Euroguidance network meeting in Helsinki. It was   Information provision and
 launched last year to support and train guidance   communication
 professionals working on mobility issues. The idea
 was to share these practices with network mem-  Following the “New Ways of Working” the MTG3
 bers to get feedback and a possible translation into  “Information provision and Communication” was
 English. NCGE in Ireland has developed Euro-Quest,  formed in April 2019.
 (, a free to use programme
 for Irish post-primary schools promoting education-  Assuming similar responsibilities to the previous   1.3  International
 al mobility. The Euroguidance Nordic Baltic group is   established ‘Communications and Promotions
 reflecting on a common tool on this subject, too.  Working Group’; over the course of  2019 the
 Group supported network-level actions with the
 The Euroguidance centres of France and Belgium  aim of enhancing and promoting the overall
 (FR) have acted as leaders of the group. The   visibility of the Euroguidance Network towards its   conferences and cross
 other members involved are the Euroguidance   primary target group; the European Community of
 centres in Austria, Croatia, Germany, Ireland, Italy,   Guidance Practice.
 Latvia, Luxembourg, North Macedonia, Slovenia   As well as assuming responsibility for ‘external’
 and Spain.      border cooperation
 communications MTG3 took ownership of internal
 communications processes and provided support
 Competence Development  and guidance to Network members in this regard.
 The MTG2 supports knowledge, peer learning
 and skills development within the Euroguidance  Network Website
 Network as well as in the European guidance
 community.   The Euroguidance Network website (www. is the central platform through
 In 2019, the group facilitated the exchange of in-  which the Euroguidance Network provides access
 formation within the Euroguidance Network during  to information  and  the  main leverage point for   Several international seminars and conferences  Slovak Euroguidance Centre. A rich programme
 network meetings and other events in relation to  the dissemination of European guidance related   are organised and attended by the Euroguidance  consisting of more than 200 presentations, posters
 competence development of guidance practitioners  resources to the wider guidance community. In   Centres every year. These bring guidance experts  and workshops provided inspiration for everyday
 and good guidance practices.   2019, through MTG3, all Euroguidance Centres were   together to support knowledge sharing and net-  practice.  See conference proceedings here. The
 Furthermore, webinars on career guidance and   provided with the ability to individually populate   working. Guidance professionals who participate
 relevant content to this platform. Additional work
 counselling were opened to the whole guidance   in these international conferences are also looking
 community at European level. These give partic-  undertaken in 2019 included changes to the layout   for new potential partners for EU-funded project
 and structure of the site, promoting enhanced
 ipants the opportunity to become familiar with   cooperation and exploring possibilities to go on
 projects, initiatives, policies and practices in schools   navigability.  study visits to other countries.
 and other institutions and organisations across
 Europe.  It  also  enables  participants  to  network  Network Publications  IAEVG Conference and Symposium
 with colleagues from other countries. Presenters   In addition to the (previous)  2018  ‘Highlights’   2019
 were Euroguidance Network members and other   publication, MTG3 coordinated the publication of
 guests from the European guidance community.   two issues of the Euroguidance Network’s ‘Insight’   On September  11-13, more than  500 scientists,
 The structure for each webinar was designed to   Magazine in 2019.   practitioners and policy makers in career guidance
 be interactive, incorporating a  30-45 minutes’   and social inclusion from 46 countries gathered in
 presentation, followed by a Q&A session and  In December 2019, a third communication channel   Bratislava for the 2019 Conference of the Interna-
 open discussion. Webinars have all been recorded  was established, the ‘Euroguidance Network   tional Association for Study and Vocational Guid-
 and are available at  ‘Newsletter’- a monthly e-mail communication   ance. The congress entitled “Career Counselling
 resources/video-gallery/recorded-webinars.   highlighting up to date and relevant news from   for an Inclusive Society” was co-organised by the  © Euroguidance Slovakia

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