Page 27 - eg-highlights-2019
P. 27

2.3  National professional                               EOPPEP - Euroguidance Centre of Greece, orga-
                                                          nized a one-day Networking - Training seminar
                                                          in May 2019 at the premises of the Ministry of
                                                          Education and Religious Affairs with the staff of
 development – seminars,                                  the new career guidance structures of the Ministry
                                                          of Education.
                                                          The purpose of this event was both to exchange
 workshops and tools                                      information about the organization and operation
                                                          of these new structures and to present the actions
                                                          and tools developed by EOPPEP - Euroguidance
                                                          Centre of Greece focusing to the support of the
                                                          guidance community and end users. The content
                                                          of the event was:
                                                          1.  Τhe role and operation of the new structures:
                                                             KESY (Centers of Educational and Counselling
                                                             Support) and PE.K.E.S. (Regional Educational
                                                             Planning Centers)
                                                          2.  The role of EOPPEP - Euroguidance Centre of
                 © Euroguidance Iceland                      Greece in Lifelong Career Guidance
 All the Euroguidance centres across Europe have  A promising practice   3.  EOPPEP’s tools to support professional devel-
 taken active measures to support the professional  •   The training action proved innovative both   proved to be useful in their daily work. One of the   opment, transparency of qualifications and
 development of guidance professionals in their   process and content-wise on several levels.   workshops was on useful tools for international   citizens’ mobility:
 countries. In this chapter, several concrete exam-    •  A pilot initiative: a Euroguidance-funded train-  mobility, held by Dóra Stefánsdóttir from the Ice-    •  Lifelong Career Development Portals for Ado-
 ples of different types of activities to improve the   ing course was delivered for the very first time   landic Euroguidance centre. She presented various   lescents & Adults
 competences of guidance practitioners on inter-  in Italy.   tools developed by the Euroguidance centre:     •  Greek database for learning opportunities
 national learning mobility will be demonstrated.  •   A unique mix of learning objects: a compre-    •  an online tool chest, where short and precise   Ploigos
 These training activities take many forms such as   hensive overview of transparency tools and   information is given on the preparation before     •  The Europass documents and the new Europe-
 seminars, conferences and courses.   main EU mobility schemes was provided.   the mobility, guidance during it and debriefing   an Europass Portal
   •  A state-of-the-art picture: senior experts from   once the student has returned home     •  The National Qualifications Framework and its
 Competence development   the key agencies and ministries presented the     •  a handbook for counsellors working with   correspondence with the European Qualifica-
 most recent policy and practice developments   people who are planning a mobility and   tions Framework
 Competence development is a key pillar of the   in the field of mobility     •  a brochure in English on educational and
 Euroguidance strategy in Italy. The Italian Eurogu-    •  A duplicable action: the course was designed   vocational guidance in Iceland, which is handy     •  The online database "National Qualifications
 idance team  successfully  tested an  innovative   and is being scaled up in two 2020 editions   for international visits or when needing to send
 blended training  package  for mobility  advisors     •  Cross-fertilization: the trained EMAs committed   information to colleagues overseas.
 which is being scaled up in the current year.   to act as Euroguidance multipliers at local level.
 In June  2019 Euroguidance Italy and Eurodesk   What’s next   She also showed them the information web for
                 students who plan studies abroad (www.farabara.
 delivered a state-of-the-art blended training   is) and the web for foreign students planning
 course on “Mobility opportunities for learning and   Two optimised editions will be delivered in March   studies in Iceland (
 job purposes in Europe" in Rome. The two-day   and May 2020, so to meet the upskilling needs of
 course  covered  the  EU  transparency  tools  (EG,   the remaining Italian EMAs.   Networking-training seminar for
 EUP and, EQF) and relevant mobility programmes   More information:
 (Erasmus +, Eures, ESF-funded schemes), in-  new career guidance services of the
 cluding next Programming Period changes. The   Course description:   Μinistry of Education & Religious
 course brought together senior officials from the   Affairs
 Erasmus+ National Agencies and the NCPs and   Course materials:
 Eures Teams, as well as national experts in the   The National Organization for the Certification of
 EU-level Advisory Groups and Erasmus+ National   Information:   Qualifications & Vocational Guidance (EOPPEP) -
 Authorities Committee.   Euroguidance  Centre of Greece, implement
                 actions in order to strengthen the competences
 A total of 22 Eurodesk Mobility Advisors (EMAs)   The Annual Day of the Counsellor   of the career guidance counsellors and enhance
 successfully completed the training: as a result,   the cooperation and networking between  the
 they became aware of recent changes in the tools  The Annual Day of the Counsellor was celebrated   guidance community and the stakeholders. These
 and post-2020 novelties and the implications for  in Iceland with a conference, where the attendants   actions include seminars, trainings, meetings and
 their work as guidance experts.   shared various tools and methods which have   conferences.
                                                          © Euroguidance Greece

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