Page 6 - Euroguidance-highlights-2018
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The Euroguidance Network is co-funded through the Erasmus+ programme and coordinated by the
European Commission (DG EMPL). The Network consists of Euroguidance centres in 34 European
countries whose mission is to promote the European dimension in lifelong guidance as well as to
foster international learning mobility by means of information, advice and guidance services. Its key
target group is guidance practitioners in education and employment, among them counsellors who
provide information and guidance on international mobility to end-users seeking studying and training
opportunities abroad.
During 2018 the Euroguidance Network continued to strengthen its presence across the areas of lifelong
guidance policy, practice, research and development and the connection of key stakeholders for closer
cooperation at national and European levels. A result of this has been the increased acknowledgement
of its European guidance and mobility expertise across and outside of Europe. In fact Euroguidance has
always been known as an innovative learning network and members continue to seek out new and
modern practices. Over the course of 2018 a core focus for the Network was looking at a “New Way
of Working” when it came to joint activities at international and network level.
The three-year contractual period (2018-2020) inspired members to further develop ways internally
of ensuring that the Network excelled within its mandated tasks. Work was therefore undertaken to
strengthen the Network by improving the co-ordination of activities at international level, the commu-
nication between members and their partners and the engagement of every member of the Network.
At the Network meeting in Bradford in Spring 2018 the expectations of members were mapped and
a “New Ways Task Group” established (more details on Network meetings are provided later in this
publication). This task group met in Tallinn later in Autumn 2018 and introduced a proposal for a “New
Ways of Working” at the Network meeting in Reykjavik. The proposal was formally adopted by all
members at that meeting and we now look forward to working together as a network utilising this
additionally strengthened and coherent approach.
As Alison Crabb mentioned in her foreword, at least “three fields of work offer a way forward’, these
being “Information, Collaboration and Practical Tools”. This publication provides an overview of the
Network’s activities and achievements in 2018 and it is clearly evident from the content furnished
here - by both the Network itself and national centres directly - that the Euroguidance Network is
already working proactively and positively in these fields. The headings provide evidence of this with
areas covered including cross network cooperation, the provision of digital tools, novel dissemination
approaches and the strengthening of inter network collaboration.
This overview is far from complete. Each country has only contributed some highlights from their
activities rather than an extensive list, however, we do hope that it provides more than just a flavour
of the work undertaken over the year and that you, the reader, will truly benefit from the information
provided and the examples of the work undertaken.
Thank you for opening “Euroguidance Highlights 2018” and enjoy the read!