Page 10 - Euroguidance-highlights-2018
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a new model with a steering group was adopted. tion on learning mobility and guidance in Euro-
The SQWG then took on the role of handling the pe. This website specifically addresses guidance
nomination and recruitment procedures for chairs counsellors who advise their clients across Europe
and co-chairs within the new system. This work about study and training opportunities abroad.
resulted in the development of an extensive go- Guidance practitioners who need support for
vernance document for the Euroguidance Net- their daily guidance practice can find many online
work. resources in the sections international mobility,
guidance systems and practices and resources.
Impact assessment has been a continued impor-
tant topic for the working group and during 2018 Two members of the CPWG, Iceland and Norway,
the SQWG developed a plan for how data could also edited and published two issues of the
be compiled from the whole network. In short, Euroguidance Network’s Insight Newsletter with
the plan includes two surveys, one directed to contributions from across Europe and proof-rea-
the primary target group in each country and one ding from Ireland and the UK. The leading theme
directed to all Euroguidance centres. The aim is of the autumn issue of Insight was the oppor-
to generate an overall picture of the output and tunities offered by the Erasmus+ programme for
impact of Euroguidance actions. the field of guidance and counselling. The 2017
edition of the Highlights publication contained
To support the Europass Advisory Group that was contributions from each Euroguidance centre,
established during the year, the SQWG prepared edited by the CPWG. The Facebook page of the
a communication on the Euroguidance use of the Euroguidance Network (see section 1.5 - facts
new Europass portfolio, which was sent to the and figures), operated by the Czech Republic
European Commission (EC) in November. Further- Euroguidance centre as a member of the CPWG
more, comments in relation to the closure of the working group, is an important element in the
portal for Learning Opportunities and Qualifica- Network’s communication strategy.
tions in Europe (LOQE) were submitted.
In 2018 Euroguidance Ireland joined the CPWG
During the year, the SQWG held several Skype and strongly contributed by drafting the commu-
meetings, two face-to-face meetings in support nication strategy of the Network in the upcoming
of general Euroguidance Network meetings and period 2018-2020. This was subject for approval
one in connection to the joint Network meeting by the Network in 2019.
in Brussels. The EC was invited to the latter for
discussions on the coming EC study on guidance. The Euroguidance centres of Finland and Ice-
The SQWG then provided written comments and land acted as leaders of the group during the
suggestions on the draft study in September first half of the year 2018, while Iceland and
2018. Austria took over leadership during the second
half of 2018. The other members involved are
The Euroguidance centres of Estonia and Sweden the Euroguidance centres in the Czech Republic,
have acted as leaders of the group. The other Denmark, Germany, Ireland, Lithuania, Norway,
members involved are the Euroguidance centres Turkey and the United Kingdom.
in Belgium (Dutch Speaking Community), Bul-
garia, Finland, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Malta,
The Netherlands, Slovenia and Spain. Mobility
The Euroguidance working group on mobility
Communication and promotion (MWG) aims to equip guidance professionals with
various tools for learning mobility in their lifelong
The Communications and promotion working guidance practice. Its two main tasks are to disse-
group (CPWG) coordinates network-level actions minate tools on mobility and to provide training
with the aim of promoting the overall visibility on mobility to guidance professionals.
of the Euroguidance Network, (its products and
services) towards its primary target group, the In order to identify the existing practices and share
European community of guidance practice, re- expertise in mobility guidance training among
search and policy, and beyond. This is done by the Euroguidance Network centres, the Mobility
applying a communication mix and a multi-chan- working group performed a Mobility guidance
nel approach to support the optimal online and survey of the Network, subsequently a peer lear-
real-life presence of the Network. In 2018, the ning workshop was held during the Iceland
new Website of the Euroguidance Network, ma- Network meeting. Survey results indicated that
naged by the Lithuanian Euroguidance centre, among 35 centres, 71.4% offer national mobility
was launched, full of new content and informa- guidance training, and 77.1% considered that