Page 13 - Euroguidance-highlights-2018
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1.3         International

                 Conferences and Cross

                 Border Cooperation

                 Several international seminars  and conferences  extent, should help their clients to identify the link
                 are organised and attended by the Euroguidance  between career goals and mobility opportunities.
                 centres every year. These bring guidance experts
                 together to support knowledge sharing and net-   Through an opening address in the plenary sessi-
                 working. Guidance professionals who participate   on, Euroguidance Sweden pointed out that peri-
                 in these international conferences are also looking   ods of learning mobility contribute to a more open
                 for new potential partners for EU-funded project   society, as it develops greater understanding and
                 cooperation and exploring possibilities to go on   tolerance among those who participate. In the
                 study visits to other countries.         closing speech, it was clarified that the Eurogui-
                                                          dance Network supports international coopera-
                                                          tion in the field of lifelong guidance and is open
                 International IAEVG Conference 2018      for any further cooperation with the IAEVG.
                 Euroguidance as a visible actor at IAEVG    The workshop presentation is available on the
                 (through Nordic-Baltic cooperation)      Euroguidance Network website.
                 The  annual  IAEVG  (International  Association  for
                 Educational and Vocational Guidance) conferen-
                 ce was organised in Gothenburg in 2018 by the
                 Swedish Association of Guidance Counsellors. It
                 attracted 750 participants from 40 countries. The
                 Nordic  and  Baltic  Euroguidance centres coor-
                 dinated an information stand for the whole Eu-
                 roguidance Network, where brochures and other
                 promotional materials were disseminated and
                 visitors could view a slideshow of young people,
                 sharing their mobility experiences.
                 Together the Nordic and Baltic centres also ran a
                 workshop called “Guidance for 21st century skills
                 through learning abroad”. The workshop pointed
                 out learning abroad as a means of developing
                 future skills, and as a result of the workshop
                 discussions, critical thinking ended up as a winner   Nordic Baltic Euroguidance colleagues at the
                 among these skills. The participants also dis-  Euroguidance stand at the IAEVG 2018 in
                 cussed how guidance professionals could support   Gothenburg
                 individuals to acquire them. Here it was men-
                 tioned that guidance professionals, to a greater  © Euroguidance Sweden

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