Page 15 - Euroguidance-highlights-2018
P. 15

Networking during the conference
                 © Euroguidance Germany

                 The conference in Cologne marked the kick-off   In 2018 the event was hosted by Euroguidance
                 of a series of “Learning by Leaving Conferences”,   Romania and the Institute of Educational Scien-
                 with Italy and Austria hosting the 2019 and 2020   ces and took place on the 13 and 14 November, in
                 editions respectively. The results of the confe-   Bucharest. The theme of the Seminar was “Guid-
                 rence in Cologne were documented in various   ance and  counselling  in the school curriculum.
                 ways, among others through a graphic recording.   Experiences, practices, innovations and respon-
                 Small working groups will use these to ensure   ses to current challenges”. The presentations
                 the topics will be further worked on between and   and workshops focused mainly on guidance and
                 during the upcoming conferences and that the   counselling in the school curriculum and the inno-
                 outcomes will be disseminated within the four   vative ideas and experiences of the participants.
                                                          The keynote speech was delivered by Prof. Paula
                 The documentation and a video of the conference   Paixão (Faculty of Psychology and Educational
                 can be found here:  Sciences, University of Coimbra, Portugal), follo-
                 allgemein/documentation/                 wed by presentations on the curricular reform
                                                          efforts in Romania, with a focus on the field of
                 13  “Cross Border Seminar” focused       guidance. During the two days of the Cross-Bor-
                 on Guidance and counselling in the       der Seminar there were three sessions of five
                 school curriculum                        parallel workshops. The full agenda and the pre-
                                                          sentations of the speakers and workshop leaders
                 The  Cross  Border  Seminar  (CBS)  is an  initiative   can be found on the Seminar’s Website.
                 that started in 2005 by three Euroguidance cen-
                 tres (Austria, Czech Republic and Slovakia), which    The positive and engaging atmosphere of the
                 decided to organize an event dedicated to prac-   workshops was reflected in the feedback collec-
                 titioners, experts and decision makers in the field   ted from participants: “I feel inspired about the
                 of career guidance in order to discuss current   new concept I learned and I hope to apply the
                 trends and to share good practices and innova-  information in my home town”; “good ideas and
                 tion in the field.                       useful experience, loved the idea of cooperation

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