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Erasmus+ TCA Study visit for guidance In June 2018 19 European guidance counsellors
counsellors took part in a four day study visit with presenta-
tions, visits to VET colleges and guidance centres,
Attracting more students to the VET programmes discussions and the exchange of experiences.
(Vocational Education and Training) is a major The topic of the visit was of a high interest and
challenge not only in Denmark, but in several Eu- priority in all countries, which gave an excellent
ropean countries. Therefore Euroguidance Den- background for mutual discussions on new ini-
mark and the Erasmus+ VET team of the Danish tiatives and potential solutions. All participants
Erasmus+ National Agency set up a TCA-seminar contributed to a “handbook of best practices”,
(Transnational Cooperation Activity), financed by sent out before the visit.
Erasmus+ and Euroguidance Denmark for Euro-
pean guidance counsellors involved in VET. A stu- A TCA activity, arranged together with the Na-
dy visit focused on the role of guidance in the tional Erasmus+ Agency is an excellent way to
transition from primary and lower secondary promote and finance the mobility and networking
education to IVET and how guidance and infor- of European guidance counsellors. Hereby Eu-
mation campaigns can strengthen the knowledge roguidance also contributes actively to the overall
about and the attractiveness of IVET. priorities of the Erasmus+ programme.