Page 22 - Euroguidance-highlights-2018
P. 22

2.1         National cross

                         network cooperation

                         The Euroguidance Network has a well-established  quences does this bring both to their professional
                         tradition  of cooperation with  networks such  as  and private lives? By understanding how we all
                         Europass, the EQF-NCP, Eures, Eurodesk, NARIC,  think and what we are influenced by, our commu-
                         Europe Direct and Eurydice that all promote tools  nication can become more efficient and our work
                         that support common policy goals on European  more successful.
                         level. Using joint efforts and synergies across the
                         networks is key to the successful outreach to   Building on this thought, Euroguidance Croatia
                                                                  organised its fifth Info Day on Networks and Ini-
                         European citizens.
                                                                  tiatives in Zagreb in September 2018. The Info Day
                                                                  is an annual  information event providing news
                         Croatian Info Day on EU Networks and     and information on the work of different net-
                         Initiatives: “Four generations in one    works and initiatives relevant for the school gui-
                         school - Teaching Generation Z”          dance community. The networks participating in
                                                                  this year’s event were Euroguidance, eTwinning,
                         Although pupils, teachers and school counsellors   Eurodesk, ECVET, Europass and Youthpass, all of
                         live together and share their common working   them operating as part of the Croatian National
                         space – the school - they do not live in the same   Agency for Erasmus+.
                         worlds. Teachers and counsellors can belong to
                         one of three different generations – the Baby   The goal of this event for primary and secon-
                         Boomer Generation, Generation X and Genera-  dary school counsellors was to inform and raise
                         tion Y, or the so-called Millennial Generation. On   awareness on the opportunities each network /
                         the other hand, their pupils are members of the   initiative offers to school counsellors and their
                         youngest generation – Generation Z.      pupils. The Info day featured panel discussions,
                                                                  presentations, interviews with good practice
                         What challenges do they all face? How do they  examples, workshops, games and competitions,
                         communicate with one another and what conse-  as well as informal peer networking.

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