Page 1 - euroguidance-insight-newsletter-2014-spring
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In this issue:
      May 2014

   Interview with Phil Jarvis:                                                      •  As professionals in career

   “Effective networking is required to harmonize                                       counselling, we should be
                                                                                        philosopher: A Czech sem-
   the efforts of a whole community”                                                    inar links two disciplines in

                             Phil Jarvis is Director of Global Partnerships at Career Cruising   an innovative way
                             where he supports communities, states and countries imple-
                             menting “whole-community” career and workforce develop-  •  ‘Diagnosis’ of competences
                             ment solutions. Career Cruising is Canada’s premier provider   is an essential tool: Cross
                             of career exploration and planning resources used in over 75%   Border Seminar in Warsaw,
                             of Canada’s secondary and post-secondary schools, libraries
                             and employment support centres, and in over 50,000 sites   Poland
                             across the United States and around the world. As the author
                             of CHOICES in the late 1970’s, Phil was an early pioneer of com-  •  Show the way! –
                             puter-based career exploration and planning. He also co-au-
                             thored Canada’s Blueprint for Life/Work Designs, co-created   European networks for
                             The Real Game Series, and has trained thousands of educators   youth employment
                             and workforce development personnel across North America
                             and beyond. Programs that he authored or co-authored have
                             helped several million students and adults in 15 countries tran-  •  University Contact Point
                             sition from school or unemployment to success.”

    What, from your point of view, are the benefits of  unimagined   doors   of   opportunity. And  our  last  question,  how  did  network-
    networking for career guidance practitioners and or- In  your paper you  had  at the conference  in  Bu- ing  help  you  to  be  where  you  are  now?
    ganisations providing career counselling services?  dapest  in  March  2000,  you  mentioned  that  “ca- Every success in my life, and some mistakes, were
    I  understand  that  career  guidance  practitioners  reer and life choices, in an age of unprecedented  the result of networking. That’s how I met the love
    with  heavy  caseloads  have  little  time  to  develop  technological and economical change, with glob- of my life and was blessed with my family. On the
    networks  beyond  their  own  organisation.  At  the  al  competition  for  both  markets  and  productive  professional side, in every project I have lead in the
    same time, I believe it takes a community working  capacity, presents greater  challenges  than  ever  past  30  years,  career  development  leaders  from
    harmoniously to help its citizens discover their best  before.  Freedom  of  choice  is  limited  by  one´s  every province and territory in Canada have been
    possible  career  paths  and  employment  opportu- knowledge  of contemporary and  emerging life/ involved. I truly believe that by bringing the best
    nities.  When  the  whole  community  collaborates,  work  alternatives,  thus  good  information  is  es- people from across the country together to collab-
    everyone benefits. Career guidance too often takes  sential.” We have now moved even further, near- orate on project, instead of competing or working
    place behind closed doors, invisible to much of the  ly everybody is or can be on the net 24 hours a  in a fragmented fashion, results “beyond the sum of
    community. We need community planners, cham- day. New technologies provide us a new dimen- the parts” are produced. Indeed, the results in many
    bers of commerce, workforce and economic devel- sion of networking, so how do you think career  cases were so positive that other countries chose to
    opment specialist, business leaders, parent groups,  guidance should or could benefit from this boom? join the partnership. For example, 12 countries are
    community agencies, service clubs, legislators and  Since I made that presentation in Budapest, web- now part of The Real Game international partner-
    policy-makers  all  understanding  the  vital  role  of,  based  applications  for  all  ages,  accessed  through  ship. I attribute my professional successes to net-
    and enthusiastically supporting, career counselling  mobile  devices  connected  to  global  knowledge  working with and engaging people smarter than me.
    services for students and adults. Effective network- databases, have become ubiquitous. This includes
    ing is required to harmonise the efforts of a whole   guidance  and  career  development  applications.   The  interview  was  conducted  by  Len-
    community.  Here’s  an  example  of  a  whole-com- Students and adult career seekers can now access   ka  Bekova  and  Stefan  Grajcar,  Euroguid-
    munity  collaboration  in  Rock  County,  Wisconsin. more  comprehensive  and  accurate  information   ance  Slovakia,  and  first  published  in  the
    How is networking advantageous for people   than ever on learning, career, and lifestyle oppor-  2013/2  issue  of  the  e-journal  Career  Guid-
    trying to manage their careers?       tunities. They can build and maintain comprehen-
    “It’s not what you know but who you know.” This   sive  ePortfolios,  and  identify  and  explore  more   ance  in  Theory  and  Practice  (in  Slovak  lan-
    expression is popular in my world. Most people   learning,  career  and  employment  opportunities   guage,  the
    are where they are now not through deliberate   than  ever,  anywhere  in  the  world,  using  a  hand- key  topic  of  which  was  NETWORKING.
    long-term research and strategic planning, but   held device. What they can’t access is better infor-
    through serendipity, happenstance, and chance   mation about their authentic self and life purpose,
    meetings. Good networking skills are an impor-  and  their  story,  past,  present  and  future.  Thus,
    tant tool in a career manager’s toolkit. One never   despite  the  technology,  personal  career  coun-
    knows when a chance encounter will open  selling  services  may  be  more  needed  than  ever.
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