Page 2 - euroguidance-insight-newsletter-2014-spring
P. 2

As professionals in career counselling, we should be philosophers:

    A Czech seminar links two disciplines in an innovative way.

                                                              For a person to identify his/her own merits, (s)he must ask him/
                                                              herself  questions  that  are  troubling  and  frightening.  A  similar-
                                                              form of interrogation should also come into play when people try
                                                              to understand society as a whole; we must look on the problems
                                                              of  our  age  -  such  as  high  levels  of  unemployment-  as  responses
                                                              to hidden questions to which these phenomena are the answers.
                                                              The  Czech  philosopher  Josef  Šmajs  talked  about  the  topic  of
                                                              changes  in  our  contemporary  society,  which  lead  to  man’s  de-
                                                              tachment from traditional forms of work. Since the beginning of
                                                              human  existence,  work  has  linked  people  with  nature,  providing
                                                              them with fulfilment and harmony. Current forms of work do not
                                                              benefit either man or nature. The fields in which we work are di-
                                                              vorced from basic needs and human understanding.  Our work is
                                                              increasingly more efficient and more perfect, but we are less and
                                                              less  aware  of  what  its  purpose  is.  Education  and  career  coun-
                                                              selling must bring an understanding of what people are doing in
                                                              this world we have created and where we are heading together.
                                                              The last paper was given by the publicist, Alena Wagnerová. She
      When  searching  for  possible  solutions,  it  can  be  useful  to  look  presented  a  European  initiative  for  the  introduction  of  an  un-
      beyond  our    previous  experience,  examine    connections  be- conditional basic income. This means “giving each resident
      tween  our  actions  and  learn  the  art  of  asking  questions.  Ca-  of a given state or another society, regularly, the same sum
      reer  counsellors  have  some  knowledge  of  this  type  of  change.  of money, which is not a reward for work done and whose
      This  was  one  of  the  main  conclusions  of  a  seminar  held   purpose is to secure existential needs, ensuring an existence
      in  the  Czech  Euroguidance  Centre  in  September,  2013.   worthy  of  human  dignity,  as  is  enshrined  in  the  Universal
      The  Inspiration  for  this  focus  of  the  Czech  Euroguidance  Cen-
      tre`s  activities  in  2013  came  from  the  IAEVG  conference  –  Ca-  Declaration of Human Rights”. The greatest obstacle to its in-
      reer  guidance  for  Social  Justice,  Prosperity  and  Sustainable  Em-  troduction can be seen in our own ideas about the world of
      ployment  –  Challenges  for  the  21st  Century,  which  was  held   work. In our minds, any income is associated with the sale
      in  October  2012  in  Mannheim.  The  highlight  was  a  seminar,  of labour on the labour market. This conviction is well cap-
      which  would  address  career  counselling  in  a  broader  context. tured in the saying – “(s)he who does not work, shall not eat”.
      The  seminar  was  launched  by  the  Czech  philosopher,  Anna  Hog- In  summary,  when  searching  for  possible  solutions,  peo-
      enová. She defined her lecture as a philosophical letter, in which   ple  have  to  be  willing  to  think  beyond  ideas  derived
      she  anchored  today’s  performance-based  society  in  a  philosoph-  from  their  experience,  to  look  for  connections  between
      ical context. As people join the rat race, trying to achieve higher   their  actions  and  learn  the  art  of  asking  questions.  Ca-
      and higher levels of performance, they fail to wonder why perfor-  reer  counsellors  have  an  insight  into  this  type  of  change.
      mance  is  so  important  for  them,  and  who  determines  its  focus.
                                                              Alice Müllerová, Euroguidance Czech Republic
     ‘Diagnosis’ of competences is an essential tool

       Cross Border Seminar in Warsaw, Poland                 Almost  a  hundred  counsellors  from  10  countries  (Austria,  Cro-

      Every career counsellor knows the importance of an appropriate   atia,  Czech  Republic,  Germany,  Hungary,  Poland,  Romania,  Slo-
      ‘diagnosis’. Although the aim of counselling is to be the contact   vakia,  Slovenia  and  Switzerland)  participated  in  the  seminar.
      with the client, ‘diagnosis’ is the tool a counsellor’s work needs
      to be based on. For this reason the Euroguidance Centre Poland   At the beginning of the opening session, Poland’s educational and
      organised  a  seminar  on  “Competences,  methods,  techniques   guidance system was introduced, followed by a discussion on com-
      and diagnostic tools” which took place in Warsaw in May, 2013.  petences and an exchange of views. The career guidance service in
                                                              Poland’s Public Employment Services was subsequently presented.
      It is extremely difficult to analyse the potential of a client. Never-  In the aftermath, participants had the opportunity to learn from
      theless, it is an important stage during a counselling process. First   good practices presented by experts from the 10 countries in
      of all, the specialist must know the competences he wants to ex-  20 workshops. Further information about these can be found at
      plore,  and  thereafter  try  to  choose  the  appropriate  method(s).
      Being  aware  of  this  challenge,  which  the  counsellors  face  nearly
      every day, the Cross Border Working Group initiated a seminar on   It was generally agreed that an appropriate ‘diagnosis’ of compe-
      “Competences, methods, techniques and diagnostic tools” which   tences is an important tool in modern labour markets.  It has also
      was organized and carried out by the Euroguidance Centre Poland.  been acknowledged that there is a need to broaden this topic,
                                                              especially on soft skills. There is consensus that the better the ‘di-
      The  main  aim  of  the  seminar  was  to  explain  the  mean-  agnosis’, the easier it is for a client to create own career. We hope
      ing  and  importance  of  competences  as  well  as  to  debate  the   that Cross Border Seminar in Warsaw was fruitful and inspiring for
      available  techniques  and  tools  which  may  be  appropriate.   further work. How will it turn out next year? We’ll know soon.
                                                                                Anna Sowińska, Euroguidance Poland (education sector)
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