Page 2 - euroguidance-insight-2018-autumn
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Support to guidance and counselling through the
Erasmus+ programme – a few examples of projects
Adult Education employees from abz*austria
recently visited various institutions in Denmark
and Germany with the aim to learn new digital
training and guidance methods and to improve
their digital skills in training and counselling.
Belgium FL and the Netherlands:
Primary school GO! Hendrik Conscience in
Schaarbeek (Brussels), Belgium, aims to
provide quality education tailored to all
students, regardless of their background. The
Erasmus+ is the EU's programme to support school has identified a need for expertise and
education, training, youth and sport in Europe. Its specific skills amongst the school team. The
budget of €14.7 billion provides opportunities for Dutch partner organization Centrum Tea
over 4 million Europeans to study, train, gain Adema offers Child coach basic training,
experience and volunteer abroad. For guidance related follow-up and advanced programs.
practitioners the programme offers a wide variety of This provides answers to the school’s needs.
possibilities, offering them the opportunity to learn During a series of training events, care
from others, work with others in the development of coordinators and teachers will acquire the
new methods or practices and to influence necessary theoretical knowledge and develop
guidance policies in their countries. competences to guide pupils (in cooperation
with the parents) in a child-centered, broad
The programme is divided into three key actions (KAs): and yet tailored way. This will increase their
mobility, strategic partnership and support for policy well-being and academic performance, and
reforms. Below, there is a short explanation of each of empower the children with tools to become
these key actions and a few examples of guidance critical, happy active citizens. The school will
projects within each of them. optimize its care policy and the school team
will be supported to improve its practice. The
KA1: Learning Mobility of Individuals
training abroad will offer participants the
opportunity to exchange experiences with their
This Action aims to encourage the mobility of students, Dutch colleagues and to establish contacts for
staff, volunteers, youth workers, and young people. For future cooperation.
guidance practitioners this opens up the possibility of
visiting colleagues in other countries and learn from
them how to become even better at their jobs.
Austria, Denmark and Germany:
abz*austria, an organisation which promotes the work,
education and future of women, led the project Digitising
adult education and raising the media literacy of
educationally disadvantaged women. �