Page 7 - euroguidance-insight-2018-autumn
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Mainstream education in Europe highlighted in new
Eurydice report
- The structure of European education systems in 38 countries.
Eurydice is an information network which The report is split into three sections. In the first, the
supports European cooperation in the field of main organizational models of primary and lower
education, e.g. by providing information and education are set out, thus clarifying the structural
material on the way education in Europe is differences between single structure education,
structured and organised. Its new report The common core curriculum provision and
Structure of the European Education Systems differentiated lower secondary education. The
2018/19 provides schematic diagrams and second contains a reading guide to ensure that the
models about education in Europe from pre- content of the diagrams is clear and correctly
primary to tertiary level. In total, thirty-eight interpreted. The guide includes terminology,
countries and forty-three education systems definitions, the meaning of colours and symbols
are covered, including the 28 Member States, used for the graphic layout and a short description
Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Switzerland, of the International Standard Classification of
Iceland, Liechtenstein, Montenegro, Norway, Education (ISCED 2011). The third and final
Serbia, the Former Yugoslav Republic of section shows the national schematic diagrams.
Macedonia and Turkey.
The report covers the educational programmes Line Ryge Deibjerg
considered the most representative in each Euroguidance, Denmark
country. The diagrams do not include information
on educational provision intended exclusively for More information:
adults with low educational attainment, nor does it ∠ Visit the Eurydice website
include separate provision outside mainstream ∠ Read the full report
education for children and young people with
special educational needs. Information on doctoral
studies and specialized studies for regulated
professions is also excluded.
Quiz: choose your mobility for your gap year!
In 2018, the French Ministry of Education, Higher
Education and Research decided to open up the
possibility of taking a gap year between secondary
school and higher education.
This period can be a good opportunity to go abroad, either to
study, to volunteer, to improve a language, to work or just to
travel. What is new is that the admission portal to higher
education -Parcoursup- recognises the gap year and allows
for the possibility of keeping the registration open for a year �