Page 8 - euroguidance-insight-2018-autumn
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To prepare for a gap year abroad, EG Education France has
created an interactive and personalised quiz which is freely
available online. This quiz aims to assist students with
planning their gap year in line with their personalities,
personal situations and values. Additionally, it should raise
competences and soft skills they already have and help them
acquire new ones.
Graziana Boscato
Euroguidance, France Education
called ‘Mobility Guidance It encourages students to
Counselling’ was commenced by consider their own preparedness
NCGE/Euroguidance Ireland for for a period of learning mobility
Irish guidance counsellors to and challenges their initial
provide them with the skills to preconceptions and expectations.
encourage and support their
students to study abroad. The *Transition Year (TY) is a one-
success of this course prompted year programme taken after the
a request for further resources. three-year Junior Cycle in Ireland
and before the two-year Leaving
This led to the development of Certificate programme. It is
‘Euro-Quest’ which is currently designed to act as a bridge between
being piloted in 15 schools in the two by facilitating the
Ireland and will be launched smooth transition from the more
nationally across all post-primary dependent learning of the Junior
schools in 2019. Cycle to the more independent self-
The Euro- Quest online course, directed learning required for the
supported by a student workbook, Senior Cycle.
Educational mobility is promoted
contains ICT classroom- based
by the Euroguidance network, materials and self-directed research
helping guidance counsellors
assignments which encourage
and individuals to understand students to explore the possibility of
and utilise the opportunities
studying/training in another
available to European citizens European country. This could be for
throughout Europe.
a short study course or language
NCGE/Euroguidance Ireland has exchange for a few weeks while in Hazel Stanley
developed a new programme school, or as part of their Euroguidance, Ireland
called Euro-Quest for Transition undergraduate training at Higher or
Years* This programme promotes Further Education and Training More information:
educational mobility. through the Erasmus+ programme ∠
In 2016, a continual professional or similar exchanges or even for the
development (CPD) training course entire duration of a course.