Page 17 - euroguidance-insight-newsletter-2015-autumn
P. 17
organisation supporting the ance, active job-search, career and schools not only use a wide variety
unemployed through (financial) personal development, labour mar- of graphic and engaging material
benefits and trainings for increasing ket trends, and vocational / occupa- (including games), but also adopt
their career prospects; and Ingeus tional fairs, to name but a few. a custom-made approach to each
– a company aimed at discovering student, trying to find the most ap-
career potential of different groups – There are similarities between the propriate method of informing and
job-seekers, persons with disabilities, Centre I work at and the Oppor- counselling them.
immigrants and others.” tunity Centre in Leeds in terms of
accessibility to clients – everyone Did the job shadowing meet your
Have you identified any similarities can come to our facilities without an expectations?
and differences between the British appointment and get information
and Croatian guidance systems? about work and education opportu- “It certainly did! Although I read
nities or help with personal career about the British career guidance
“At the Croatian Lifelong Career development. However, our guid- system before leaving Croatia, I
Guidance Centre (CISOK) I work with ance systems differ significantly; in would have never imagined it being
diverse clients, ranging from primary Croatia guidance services of pupils so different from other European
and secondary school pupils to the are the responsibility of school systems. I had the opportunity to see
unemployed, but also with stu- counsellors (psychologists, peda- various aspects of career guidance
dents, employers, parents and other gogues and education-rehabilitation support for people of different age
groups. We organise both individual experts) and the Croatian Employ- and educational background. And I
counselling and group activities: ment Service, whereas in the UK learned a lot about the history and
workshops (how to write a better schools outsource organisations to future trends in the British career
résumé / job application; holding offer counselling services to pupils. guidance policy.”
job interview simulations), lectures, Another point worth mentioning is
presentations about lifelong guid- the fact that counsellors working in Doris Monjac, Euroguidance Croatia