Page 14 - euroguidance-insights-autumn-2020
P. 14
Choosing for the future
This Autumn, all schools in Sweden have received a publication from the National Agency for
Education - Choosing for the future - School support through guidance and learning. 1
The purpose of the book is to inspire discussion and self-studies in to how a reinforced and developed/enhanced
career guidance process can be promoted and shaped. Most importantly, the book takes in to account a whole
school approach. The publication offers an extensive overview of existing knowledge about guidance.
Responsibility of all school staff Content for development
It is emphasised that To strengthen guidance in Swedish schools, the
both the principal, the book offers food for thought under the following
guidance practitioner headings:
and the teacher all Career Guidance – what is it?
have important roles in
Guidance and learning – Swedish and Nordic
this process and the
book aims to highlight experiences
this joint responsibility. Governance and management of guidance work
In the introduction, one Balancing between the needs of the individual
can read that many and society
principals or school
Starting points for compensatory guidance
leaders are not aware
of what expectations The future won´t wait
and demands they
should have in relation The knowledge overview is developed by Assistant
professor Anders Lovén and Professor Jonas
to career guidance. Also, among teachers there is
Olofsson at Malmö University.
a need to expand the understanding of the
strengths and driving forces of career guidance.
Changes lead to greater demands
Guidance at its best
In an accompanying letter, it is argued that
guidance is more important than ever, as new
The book offers a definition of career guidance at
professional areas are emerging, and education is
its best; It should deepen the self-knowledge, self- changing and evolving. The complexity and rapid
confidence, and motivation of pupils. It should
changes in future education and the labour market
provide tools to enable pupils to identify aspirations means that more people need support to get an
and opportunities, based on well-founded
overview and challenge their beliefs, so that they
assessments of the potential the education system can make informed choices. This is where guidance
and labour market offers. Well-functioning
has its obvious place - as a means of meeting the
guidance is also a learning process, where expectations of working life to a greater extent and
individuals develop their skills in decision making
of helping to shape active citizens, and not least to
and in enhanced ability to handle recurring give everyone the opportunity to see their future.
Download (in Swedish): HERE Nina Ahlroos
Euroguidance Sweden
1 Att välja för framtiden – Skolans stöd genom vägledning och lärande, Skolverket, 2020