Page 26 - european-lifelong-guidance-policies-progress-report
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Section 2: Work Package reports
lios validating formal, non-formal and infor- of guidance, as well as analyses, surveys, and
mal learning. cross-sectoral (schools, VET, HE, social inclu-
• Marketing measures are needed for creating sion etc.) activities, are important for quality
visibility of services, particularly guidance pro- development, effective co-ordination between
vision that is new or not widely known by the different types of guidance services, and con-
target audience. People – whether young or old, tinuing professional development.
in education or employment – are not always • Continuing professional development is piv-
aware of the existing information and guidance otal to respond to changing demands and to
services, nor how to access and make use of update skills and information on provision.
them. Accordingly, active promotion of both Distance learning and e-learning using on-
the traditional and online services that support line tools are important methodologies in this
citizens’ educational and occupational deci- respect. Moreover, providing resources for prac-
sions should be improved. titioners, users and parents by using on-line
• Improved databases are needed to provide sta- tools can be a valuable strategy for the future. WP2
tistics on the target-groups and to support the • All guidance provision and databases need to
monitoring and evaluation process for profiling have a lifelong and life-wide perspective. More
and planning future services. Such databases robust policy frameworks are needed to moti-
potentially create the means for evidence-based vate and inspire individuals to take action at
learning and evidence-based policies, includ- different ages and stages in their life course,
ing those addressed to particular user-groups. always recognising that social and economic
• The dissemination of information on interest- failures should not be attributed to the indi-
ing practices and knowledge within the field vidual.