Page 27 - european-lifelong-guidance-policies-progress-report
P. 27

Section 2: Work Package reports

         2.3   Work Package 3                             developments  in  member  countries  is  provided  in
               (Co-operation and Co-ordination)           Annex 4 of this report.

         Participating countries: AT; CY; EL; ES; HR; IT; MT;   2.3.2  Key conclusions
          NO; PL; TR; RO
          Lead country: AT                                With a view to improve co-ordination, co-operation,
          Consultant: Professor Peter Plant               and, indeed, coherence in policies and systems for
                                                          lifelong  guidance  provision,  most  European  coun-
                                                          tries face the challenge of fragmentation and sectoris-
         2.3.1  Activities                                ing. Various career guidance and career development
                                                          services have their own history, aims, methods, and
          The  focus  of  WP3  is  on  co-operation  and  co-ordi-  budgets: they tend to work in structural silos. None-
          nation mechanisms in guidance practice and policy   theless,  they  are  responsible  for  providing  parts  of
          development. WP3 aims at providing opportunities   guidance  in  a  lifelong  perspective,  which  ideally
          for:                                            would imply a seamless and coherent lifelong guid-
                                                          ance system. At present, this is a vision for the future,
               ○ countries with existing fora or similar mecha-  rather than a reality, in most countries.
              nisms  to  improve  co-operation  and  co-oper-  National,  regional  or  local  forums  can  serve  as
              ation  in  concrete  areas  of  lifelong  guidance,   vehicles for improving coherence and avoid overlaps
              orientated  to  European  policies  as  well  as   in  lifelong  guidance  systems.  It  seems  fair  to  con-
              national priorities;                        clude that:
               ○ countries with emerging fora or similar mecha-
              nisms  to  compare,  to  improve  and  to  imple-  •  National forums benefit from linking with and
              ment effective mechanisms with the support of    building  on  similar  regional  structures  in  a
              countries  which  have  experience  in  adequate   two-way process.
              policies and processes;                       •  Highly different conditions prevail in the vari-
               ○ countries without existing fora or similar mech-  ous  countries  in  terms  of  forming  and  main-
              anisms to find appropriate policies, processes   taining  national  (and  regional)  guidance
              and persons for a successful start and a sustain-  forums.
              able strategy.                                •  Decisive  factors  include:  centralisation/decen-
                                                               tralisation;  top-down/bottom-up  approaches;
         WP3 has conducted three study visits (Cyprus, May     level of professionalism; and policy interests.
         2011;  Norway,  November  2011;  Denmark,  Febru-  •  Some basic difficulties still exist in convincing
          ary  2012);  and  also  a  twinning/coaching  event  in   different ministries with different portfolios to
          early  2011  between  Greece/Cyprus  and  Germany,   co-operate, let alone to co-ordinate their efforts
          based on sharing German experiences in forming a     in a cross-sectoral manner.
          National Forum. The main focus of all these events
          has been on establishing and maintaining national   But  such  forums  may  have  different  ambitions  in
          and regional forums as appropriate mechanisms to   terms of the ambition of commitments. Thus, with a
          enhance  co-operation  and  co-ordination.  The  out-  view to operationalise forums on a practical level, the
          comes  of  discussions  and  presentations  are  avail-  intensity in terms of the levels of linkages has been
          able on the ELPGN website, along with the related   defined at an earlier stage of WP3 as follows:
          briefing and reflection notes. A summary of current

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