Page 4 - guidance_in_education_denmark
P. 4
Key elements of the Danish
guidance system are:
• Youth guidance centres that
provide guidance services for
young people up to the age of
25 years, focusing on the transi-
tion from compulsory to youth
education, or, alternatively, to
the labour market.
• Regional guidance centres that
provide guidance for students
in youth education programmes The act defines seven main aims ing from one education
and young people and adults of guidance. According to these and training programme
outside the education system aims, guidance related to choice to another and ensure that
who wish to enter a higher of education, training and career the pupil or student com-
education programme. must: pletes the chosen education
• eGuidance which can be • help to ensure that choice of with the greatest possible
reached by e-mail, chat, phone education and career will be academic/vocational and per-
or text message seven days of greatest possible benefit to sonal benefits;
a week from morning to the individual and to society • contribute to improving the
evening. eGuidance is for all and that all young people individual’s ability to seek
citizens – young persons and complete an education, lead- and use information, includ-
adults. eGuidance was launched ing to vocational/professional ing ICT-based information
in January 2011. qualifications; and guidance about choice of
• The national guidance portal: • be targeted particularly at education, educational insti- is an ICT-based young people who, without tution and career;
careers information and guid- specific guidance, will have • help to ensure coherence and
ance portal. The portal helps difficulties in relation to progression in the individual’s
people to find information that choice and completion of edu- guidance support;
enables them to make quali- cation, training and career; • be independent of sectoral
fied decisions about education, • take into account the indi- and institutional interests.
training and careers. vidual’s interests and per- Therefore, guidance shall
• Adult educational centres sonal qualifications and skills, be provided by practitioners
which provide guidance for including informal competen- with an approved guidance
adults in the field of further cies and previous education education or recognised com-
adult education. and work experience, as petencies at the same level.
well as the expected need
General legislation for guidance in for skilled labour and self- The last objective is to raise the
Denmark covers guidance in the employed individuals; quality level in Danish guid-
educational sector, and especially • contribute to limiting, as much ance, including an improvement
guidance in connection with tran- as possible, the number of of guidance counsellors’ quali
sition in the educational system. dropouts and students chang- fications and competencies.